Chapter 17

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I wake up out of my calming nap to a lovely, magnificent landscape of Italy. There are mountains in the distance on the horizon that looks like they fade into the light blue sky. The ground below of us is filled with pink spring flowers blooming out of fresh evergreen grass. The sun shines so bright it brings out the colors of the flowers and grass even more. My jaw falls down in awe at the sight.

"I never seen anything more beautiful before," I gasp. I can't take my eyes off of the scenery that lies before us. I've always been a city girl for my whole life so I've never been on a countryside anywhere. I've never realized I have been missing out on something so amazing my whole life.

Erik turns to face me as he says," Neither have I." He doesn't look back at the window and tucks a string of my hair behind my ear. As soon as he does that, a herd of butterflies start flapping their winds violently in my stomach.

The train stops and we get up to leave. As we walk around the town, everyone who we approach seems so relaxed and polite. All the police made me into a nervous wreck in Paris. This town is the calming environment I have needed. It is almost as if I stepped into one of my fantasies that I've been daydreaming about for a while.

"Madame Giry has given me a lot of money back in the opera house to keep me from bothering anyone. I'm pretty sure I have enough to get us a home," Erik says. I look at him a little surprised. I wasn't expecting him to offer his money. I guess it's the best thing we both got because I only have enough to buy us food for a few days, not a home.

"Okay. Where do you want to live?" I ask as I search the area trying to find a place that might be selling any houses or condos. Since we both moved so quickly we barely had any time to plan out what we were doing. Which was kind of a stupid idea because we are technically homeless as we speak.

"Lets check out one of those small cottages," He points to a little neighborhood thirty feet away from us. We walk down the street to check them out. We see one for sale that is in our budget and has a beautiful back yard with a garden. Lucky for us, we found the salesman standing outside the front door.

"Excuse me, sir," I call out to the guy.

"Yes? What shall I do for you?" The salesman responds.

"We would like to buy this cottage."

"Okay. That should be 30,000 francs. Did you two just move here?"

"How did you know?" Erik asks.

"It's a small town and I know pretty much everyone. I can tell who is new or not. Would you like to know more about this town?"

"Yeah sure that would be great," I say.

As we talk to the man he tells us a giant review of the town. He tells us about the best restaurants, a farm around the block, the wine tasting shop nearby, and much more. Eventually, the salesman had to leave so Erik scoops out so much money from his pocket it is unbelievable. If I had that much, I would be scared to go out in public with all of that.

"Welcome to your new home," The salesman says as he swings open the door for us. We walk in and see a lovely living room with clean dark wood walls surrounding white sofas. There are three large windows that has a view of the outstanding garden in the yard. We open a door right next to a bookshelf which takes us to the bedroom. Just by looking at the bed, you can see how soft it is. The pillows are huge and the blanket is very thick. All of a sudden, I get a strange urge and desire to go jump on it. I sprint into the room and flop on the bed with my back facing the ceiling. When I breathe in deeply as I sink my face down, I smell a hint of vanilla from the sheets. I smile in delight from the pleasing scent.

Erik sits on the side of the bed next to me as he chuckles at my weirdness. I reach out my hand to him just like he did the night we first saw each other when I walked into the mirror. Only this time, I was going to show him the beauty of my world. He showed me his basement so I shall show him the outside he has been terrified of. Even though I didn't live on the countryside, I did have love and compassion that my father gave to me. I also saw the magical things nature brings outside of the opera theater. Like the sunshine, the snow, the colorful flowers blooming on the first day of spring. It is now my turn to show him something so breathtaking it will change him.

He takes my hand and lies down next to me. We embrace each other so close so that there is no space between us. He strokes his hand in my hair as I give him a little kiss on his shoulder. The heat of his body gives me a feeling of warmth I never want to let go of. We stare at each other in our eyes as if we are talking through our minds. He nods in agreement as the thought of us making love pops in my head. I can tell that we are both ready, ready for this moment. We take off our clothes and... Well... I guess I don't have to tell you what happens next since you already know. The feeling of it gives me such a strong, passionate love. I have never craved anyone ever before this much in my entire life. This is what I was missing with Raoul. I'm no longer a whole, I am a half now since I realize Erik is what completes me.

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