Chapter 9

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"Are you kidding me right now? Are you serious?" I snap. I'm so tired of all the bad news. My only wish is to hold Erik in my arms knowing he is alive and healthy. Is that too much to ask for?

"Christine," Meg whispers to calm me down.

"I've been worried to death for these past two months. I find out my ex attempts a brutal murder on the love of my life and now, once I see him again, he is on his death bed in the hospital," I sigh in frustration and heartbreak. Erik isn't wearing his mask so you can see his deformity on the right side of his face. It brings me a memory of when I took off his mask during the play. The reason why I took off his mask is because when we were singing together I felt like the mask was preventing me from seeing the complete him. The heat and energy in our performance made me yearn for him as a whole. His face no longer brought any horror to me and I wanted to show that I didn't care about his disfigured face. That was the biggest mistake I have ever done in my entire life. If I had never taken off his mask, none of this would happen. The person who is paying for the consequences for the choices I made is Erik. I have never hated myself before in my entire life.

"Mademoiselle, I know you're upset but we are trying everything to save him," the nurse says.

I sit down in an empty chair behind me without letting go of his hand. I place my forehead on the side of his bed as I pray to God to let Erik live. He has paid enough for his murders. He experienced physical and emotional abuse throughout his entire life.

"Christine, my dear, why don't you stay at the hotel room with us tonight," Madame Giry offers. After everything that has happened these past two months, I just want to stay in this room with Erik until he wakes up.

"I just want to stay here. I want to be the first person Erik sees when he wakes up," I say quietly.

"I understand. You're welcome to come over anytime you feel like it."

I hear the three of them leave the room and close the door. I sit there alone with Erik while I stroke his hand with my thumb. A really small piece of me is slightly happy I finally followed my heart to the right man, and I'm having alone time with him after so long of waiting. I'm also so guilty and depressed about everything else. I would do anything for him to sing to me again just like he used to. His beautiful masculine voice takes my breath away every time I hear it in melody.

"Erik, I'm here. Can you hear me?" I whisper into his ear.

I try again," please wake up. I'm sorry for leaving you. I was scared of living in an unconventional lifestyle of being in a place that isolates us from the rest of the world. I understand that what you witnessed from the outside world was painful and abusive. Trust me when I say there is beauty to it too. Like the sun shining bright on a summers day, the crisp white snow during the winter, the sound of cheerful laughter from children in the park. That is why I went with Raoul. Now, I see that none of that matters to me anymore. Being with you is more important to me than anything else I have ever loved in my life. I can't spare another minute apart from you. I need you. I love you."

His eyes don't move an inch. I bite my lip nervously hoping he will wake up but he doesn't.

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