Chapter 20

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*8 months later*

I wake up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling in my stomach. It gradually becomes more painful as I sit up. I clench onto my big belly to make it stop. I breathe in and out as I feel the need to cry out for help. Is this what labor feels like?

I shake Erik violently to wake him up so he can take me to a hospital. After what feelings like forever, he finally awakes from his deep sleep. The moonlight on his face from the window shows his face and, at first, it is confused. He then turns a candle on with a match on the night stand next to his side of the bed to light up the room. He now sees me wincing in pain which makes him afraid.

"Christine, my angel. Are you hurt?" Erik asks.

"The baby is coming. I need a hospital," I snap. I then feel wetness building up in the sheets. My water just broke and my child is ready to see the outside world.

Erik grabs his mask and quickly puts it on. He then scoops me up with his muscular, strong arms as he stands up. He charges out of the house as he holds me tightly and closely as if I'm a baby. He caught me by surprise because I wasn't expecting him to sprint out into the street with me in his arms. I'm not going to lie, though, I kind of like it. When we finally find the nearest hospital, he storms to the front desk.

"My... my... girlfriend... is having a... baby," Erik pants as he tries to catch his breath. His face is dripping with sweat and his body temperature is heating up. However, he continues to hold me for some reason. I see a nurse get a wheelchair for me right away and Erik places me in it gently. As she rushes me into a room, she grabs a doctor's shoulder to take him with us. I lie down on a bed with my legs separated apart. I groan in so much pain, I think the entire town could hear me.

"Breathe in and out for me," the doctor orders. I do as he says while Erik grabs my hands for moral support.

As I push my hardest, I scream on the top of my lungs. The nurse in the room is encouraging me while the doctor just repeats himself for me to breathe as he stares at my private area. I squeeze Erik's hands so much they start to look red.

"Come on Christine! You can do it!" Erik exclaims.

I yell," I CAN'T! IT HURTS SO MUCH!" Giving birth is a pain that is beyond description. A part of me thinks I'm not going to make it. After all, that is what happened to my mother when she had me.

After what feels like several hours of pushing and screaming, I hear the doctor gasp in delight. I look at him as he stares between my legs smiling. I shout at him for him to tell me what he is so happy about.

"The baby is almost out. Just one more push," the doctor says with full of joy.

I put all the remaining energy of my body into this last push. I yell louder than I ever have before. Finally, I hear a little child's cries once I feel no pain anymore. After the doctor cuts the cord, he puts my baby in my arms.

"Congratulations you two, you have a healthy new son," the doctor tells us.

I stare at my son's face in awe. He is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen before. Half of the right side of his forehead is a bit wrinkly, yellow, and thin like Erik's deformity. I think the small bit of his disfigured face brings him character and a special kind of beauty like his father. However, when I looked at Erik he looks like he doesn't agree. He even seems like he is guilty and ashamed of himself.

"What is it dear?" I ask Erik. Tears build up is his eyes but he sucks them back in.

"I'm sorry I made your baby like this," He whispers. I stare at my partner in disbelief. I want him to stop feeling insecure about his disfigured face. How much do I have to do to teach him his face isn't a horrible curse?

"Erik, he is beautiful just like you," I say. Erik stares at our son and slowly leans in to kiss his head.

"I love you two so much," Erik says as he wipes his tears away.

"Can we name him after my father?" I ask," I feel like my dad would appreciate it if he were still alive."

"Of course. Gustave it is."

The End

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