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Chapter 1


"Parker, get up. It's time fore school." My dad yelled from down the stairs. Ugh, I wish mom was still here she always wakes me up way better than him. Her voice was majestic and reminded me of unicorns walking on rainbows, his just sounds like a dying elephant.

"Whatever." I mumble down the stair and I hear him walk away.

I get up and get ready. I put my ripped skinny jeans on and- oh no I have a big problem!


"What Park?"

"Where is my batman shirt?" I yell down the stair.

"I don't know, wear you caption america one."

"Umm let me think- NO! You don't wake up wanting to wear a D.C. Shirt and wear a marvel, damn dad get it right!" I could hear him snickering all the way from the kitchen. Now I have to wear my superman one. I mean as long as it's D.C. I'll be fine.

"Parker, you ready for school?" Dylan asks me as I walk down stair. He's my brother.

"Hey Dyl and yes let's go, please." I says he sneaks a concerning look towards my dad. They always OVER exasperate.

We get in Dylan's car and he starts it.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything?" Dylan ask and I give him a confusing look, I mean why shouldn't I, I have no idea what he's talking about.


"Alrighty, now sense I'm a senior and your a junior, your my little sister and I look out for you. No mingling with guys and no kissing. Got my rules?" Oh so I guess the other question was rhetorical. But I shake my head and roll my eyes playfully.

"No way, the guys will be all over me, I'm so hot," never in a million years would I actually think this but it's my brother he doesn't know about Rylan, or that it's been going on sense I was in seventh grade.

"If you have any bullies, I'll find it or you'll tell me." He states and I shake my head. Man he's good.

"I just wanna get to school. Don't want to be late for our first day." I say laughing and he joins.

Honestly I wouldn't mind being late, unfortunately we pull in and park.

I take a deep breathe and Dylan looks at me,"sis, I'll be going. Stay out of trouble and I'll meet you at three-thirty after school-"

"No I know you have a date with Eliza so I'll leave you be, I'll walk or catch a ride. Really I'll be fine." I know his girlfriend wasn't the greatest, he seriously turned her though, she was bad, he was good now they're both in between. Oh well it's my brothers life.

"PARKER PALMER!" I hear an irritating voice coming from behind me. Oh I couldn't ever forget that voice even if I tried my hardest. I keep walking and walking and walking, but he keeps calling my name and with each step I take it gets louder. I decide to turn around before he grabs my shoulder.

I turn around to see non other than the legendary jerk, Rylan Salvatore.

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