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Chapter 12

It's been two weeks sense me and Rylan kissed, not many people know about us. I'd like to keep it that way, although I do sit with his friends at lunch, the only people who know is Eliza, Dylan, my dad and us.

At brunch two weeks ago Rylan gave me a neckless that he said he had been dying to give me sense he was in ninth grade. And he only dated those girl to try to make me jealous.

The neckless was beautiful, it was my birthstone, September, it was Sapphire. It's was small and it was in the middle of a small hear that was gold with diamonds around it. I haven't taken it off sense and I'm not planning to.

We are currently laughing at lunch because Joey made a joke.

"Oh, Rylan, dear, want to skip the rest of school? My mom won't mind." Brittney says in a slutty voice. Gosh I want her to just go die in a hole.

"Go away Brittney, how many time do I have to say I'm not interested in you." He says without turning around. Everyone was quietly staring at our table and use.

"So you interested in this rat?" She says pointing at me.

"She's just an ugly little pest, listen to me Parker, I don't care what you are, he's mine and you won't ever be perfect enough for him." She shouted across the cafeteria.

I feel my heart break. Not...perfect enough for him.

She walks up to me and pulls my neckless of and throws it's across he room. My eyes get watery.


"Yes, my darling?"

"I PAID FOR THAT, that was my gift to my girlfriend and you ruined it, I can't believe how selfish you are. You realize she's more perfect than you can ever be. She would protect the people she cares about, she has a great personality, haven't you noticed she doesn't comment on anything you do. She helps people. She can even look perfect with out any disguise. She is perfect to me and that's all that matters, she's my hero and I respect that, don't treat her like that again or I promise it will end badly for you. Now again, I don't want anything to do with you, leave us be." He raps his arms around me and she storms off glaring at me. Kai gets my neckless and fixes it. I can't believe she did that.

I pull my hair up and Rylan clips it back on my neck. I can see everyone whispering.

"I'm sorry I let our secret out." He says and all the guys look at him.

"It's okay, we don't have to kiss in private anymore." I smile and kiss him and he smiles.

"Umm, love bugs, how long has this been going on?"

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