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Chapter 20


I wake to the monitor beeping, I did it, I fought to be with him.

"Hey baby."  His name for me rolled off his tongue like he was meant to say it and it turned my brain to mush.

"Hey." I croaked, wow I guess I haven't talked in a while.

"What day is it?" I ask wondering if December is over.

"December thirtieth." Phew, its now new years yet. I have the perfect present for him on New Years and it's not just a kiss.

"Excuse me doctor now that I'm awake can I be released?" She thought for a second and then walk over to me.

"Let me check you first." She pulled my hospital dress up and I had a huge scar on my stomach. There goes any effort I could half to look good in a bikini.

"Yeah you should be cleared to go. You can change then get going." I nod and thank her, I was a little sore still.

"Hey, Ry, help me to the bathroom and help me change." His face turned bright red and I chuckled at his embarrassment.

He ended up helping me there and then locking the door behind us.

"Take this dress off of me." I said winking at him. He slid it up slowly, I had underwear on of course but not a bra. He looked at all my exposed skin then handed me my bra. I put it on and he clipped it in the back. He just gave me his shirt because mine was tight and hurt to put on. I just had black high waist shorts, oh I notice I'm wearing Rylan's favorite shirt, his baby blue one.

He wraps a hand around my waist and helped me out of the hospital. He carried me out of the hospital and girls give me nasty glares some even wink at Rylan, but he had a cold stone expression. As he say me in the car he kissed my cheek and then got in the driver side. I still saw all the sluts staring at us.

"I've wanted to do this for a while, I've missed you." He grabs my face and our small kisses turn into a full on make out session. Man, he's so easy going. He climbed out of his car and hovered above me. He still had no shirt on, I ran my hands up and down his whole chest as his hands crept up my, I mean his, shirt and kissed me roughly. I peek around him and see the girls glaring at me. I smile and we keep kissing till his hands reach the scar, he pulls away feeling awkward.

I smile and he smiles awkwardly. He sits down and buckles up. I kiss his cheek and he blushes deeply.

"So are we going on a date first or to get ice cream?" I watch as his eyes widen and jaw drops, did he think I couldn't hear him?

"You could hear me?"

"Of course I could."

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