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Chapter 9

"Rylan?" I ask and he just keeps his hand on my arm. He motions for me to sit by him and I go to when his hand is pried off of my arm but....Luke? Did Luke not see his motion?

"Luke!" I say and he tilts his head and his eyebrow scrunch up. Then it turns to an angry face as Rylan stands up and walks in front of me. I watch as Rylan turns around and Luke goes to throw a punch.

I can't let him hurt Rylan, he's means to much. As fast as I can, I jump in front of Rylan and take Luke's punch. At first it didn't process in my mind, but soon enough the pain kicked in and I fumbled backwards. I watched Luke's eyes widen and then the guys line up in front of my so I can't see Luke I see Rylan holding me up. The move and I face Luke, I was filled with rage that he would even try and hit Rylan.

"Luke! Why the hell would you try and punch him? He isn't a punching bag, neither am I! I don't want you to even touch him, I know he's not the nicest but leave him alone. Next time you try to punch him it will not end good for you!" I say pointing, Rylan moves my hand slightly to the left and I realize I can't see that good, I must sound drunk.

"Why do you care what happens to him? All he does is bully you, and you let him." Luke blurts out of frustration.

"BECAUSE HE MEANS ENOUGH TO ME THAT ILL TAKE A PUNCH FOR HIM, ever sense we were kids we were together all the time, wether he was mean or nice I stuck by his side, because I care for him more than I care for anyone. I care for him like I care for my brother, he even has reached the point where he could mean as much as my mother meant to me. He's mine, that won't ever change, if he was hurt and I saw it happen that would break my heart. He doesn't hurt me, what hurts me is that he's always with other girls!"Oh my lord did I say that out loud. My eyes widen, but I can't keep them open, Luke hit me right between my cheek bone and my temple. It hurts so much I just need to close my eyes.


She didn't just say that! She...cares for me? She doesn't like me with 'other' girls?
Does she like me? She cares for me as much she does her family, but she didn't say she cares for me like a brother, so I have a chance. And Luke defiantly doesn't...

...because he hit me.

I look down at her and her eyes are closed. I or her on a seat and kneel in front of her.

"Parks?" I ask softly shaking her a little.



Se must be out cold, she waisted her energy on that. I pick her up and hold her, I signal for the guys to come along and we bring her to the nurse. The nurse puts a patch over her cheek and says she need to rest. It was only third period so I stayed, of course I was the only one aloud to. I held her hand the whole time and laid my head on out hands that were tangled together. I ended up falling asleep, I only know because the was being shook and turned my head to see Parker awake. She was smiling, she was perfect.

"Hey sleepy head." She said ruffling my hair, She always does that and her hands are so soft.

"Hey." I said quietly, you know that moment you just wake up and talk.

"So I only remember being punched what happened after that?" She asks looking into my eyes. Wait she doesn't remember saying she cared for me? My heart suddenly sunk and I gave her a longing look and she chuckled.

"I'm just kidding, don't get all lost puppy on me." She laughed a little and I chuckled but actually felt relived.

"So how about we go for some ice cream?"

"Yas!" She squealed and rapped her arms around my neck. I gave her a piggyback ride as the bell rang telling us school was out, as we walked down the hallway, her with her head on my shoulder with her eyes closed, people stared and continued to stare as we walked to my mustang.

Did she fall asleep again, might as well just head there and wake her up when we get to the ice cream parlor. This is a great day,"She's going to fall for me, no matter what it takes."

"What did you say, Rylan?"

"Wha- uh, n-nothing I didn't say anything! Umm just go back to sleep till we get to the ice cream parlor, that punch was brutal, Luke shouldn't have hit you. But even more, you shouldn't have jumped in front of him when he swung at me."

"But, I told you, it would break my heart to see you hurt."

"Parks, its hurt me seeing you get hurt. Let's just drop this, w-we are almost there." I lower my head and feel my cheek burning, I can't let her see me like this.

"Okay, let's eat some ice cream!" She says smiling, man she lights me up.

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