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Chapter 4


"That's a nice name."

"Th-thank you, your name is nice, too." Way to go Parks you just gave the new guy a complement.

"So, Parker, would you like to have some ice cream with me?" He asks casually. Why am I so jumpy to say yes?

"Sure." I say giving a small smile.

He grabs my hands and shows a big smile, we walk to his car and he opens the door for me. Out of the corner of my eye I see Rylan. His hands in a pockets his eyes were looking this way with hatred in them, he looked tense. He must be mad at me, I hope he won't do anything to me I didn't want him to follow me to detention. I guess it's a good thing I ran into Luke.

"Hey, Parker, do you listen to The Cab?"

"Of course."

"Okay good." With that he turned his radio on and it blares the song 'Angel with a Shotgun' one of my favorites. We sing along with the songs that play until we get to the ice cream shop. If I'm correct this just opened a few weeks ago, my dad brought me ice cream from here last week. It was so good.

We walk in and Luke walks over to the counter.

"Hey mom." He says and a woman behind the counter smiles.

"Hey sweetie, oh you brought home a girl." She winks at me and I see Luke playfully roll his eyes.

"Mom, this is Parker Palmer, Parker this is my mom." His mom's mouth hangs open and her eyes get watery,"mom are you okay?" Luke asks his mom, I can hear the worry in his voice.

His mom just puts her hands over her mouth, she walks closer to me.

"Are. You. Tyler's daughter?" She knew my mom, wait that was her maiden name. Amelia Tyler.

"Oh, uh...you mean Amelia?" I ask lowering my head. My mom was bright, she told me if anything ever happened to her not to cry because it's god's way of testing me to see how strong I am. And because it's her time to go, it turns out she was sick, she died last summer. Eleven months ago.

She walks around the counter and raps her arms around me.

"I knew Amelia, she was my best friend sense we were in fourth grade. I'm truly sorry for what happened. She was the kindest person I knew. You look just like her." She ran her hand through the end of my long blonde hair and then her eyes reverted to my eyes. Her eyes began flooding with water.

"I'm so so sorry, it's just you. Have. Amelia's, eyes. So bright, filled with passion, so blue."

When she's done she straitens herself up and looks at her son, they exchange looks and I assume they are having a silent conversation.

"Mom, she's definitely a singer." Luke says and his mom's eyes widen and she wears a big goofy smile on her face. I can't help but to giggle a little. She walks back into the kitchen and brings me back a bowl of cookie dough ice cream. It's my favorite.

"She told me this was your favorite before she left." She winked at me and without another work she was gone into the kitchen. What an off day, I met one of my mom's friends. She was genuinely really nice.

"Alright, Parker I'll drive you home."

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