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"Miss Palmer has a seat by her. Miss Palmer please raise your hand." I sit still raising an eyebrow as the teach looks at me, he was my uncle Barry. He was only 26 but he was a great history teacher.

"Parker!" He says and I stand. I walk up front and stand in front of my uncle.

"Sorry uncle, I've got detention." I say grabbing a slip from his desk and walking out of the class. I see Rylan follow after me, what a sleaze bag. Not to mention the smirk the new guy gave me as I walked out. Ugh, I hate my life. I walk down to Mr.Riley's room for detention and he smiled as I walked in. Then Riley's smile faded when Rylan walked in.

"Hand over the phone, Salvatore." He says as he walks in, Rylan gives it to him and sits beside me.

"What are we gunna do now, Palmer?"

"There is no we ." I say a little demanding.

"Oh don't be like that, Parker." He says in a whiny voice. I roll my eyes and turn my head, I rest my hand on my cheek while my elbow is on the desk. He gets on my nerves, I swear sometimes I just want to run a knife through his head.

Detention seems to last forever, I sit there staring at the wall while mister bad boy twiddles his thumbs and girls in the room fall for him, again. He disgusts me, the way he's always on different girls who is he fooling. He only goes for the girls I absolutely hate, like brittaney. I don't usually say this, but she's the slut of the school no doubt about it and her and Rylan have been going at it for a while now. I mean they don't kiss but they do sneak off if you know what I mean.

"I hate this." I mumble and Rylan looks away from his crowd of girls.

"Well you shouldn't have got us in detention." He says rudely and he girls glare at me.

"Excuse me, I went to detention. You decided to follow." I can't believe he's blaming me for his own actions, but what he doesn't know is that I'm easily aloud out of detention.

I glare at him then raise my hand, the teacher looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Yes miss Palmer?"

"My uncle said only for first." I say with a sweet smile and he gives one back.

"Go ahead." I get up and start for the door when Rylan stands up and starts walking towards me,"mister Salvatore, your not leaving. Sit or I'll get the principal." I hear Rylan scowl and I smirk at him, I know he was going to do something to get me back later though.


I'm so stupid, I did something to upset him. I'm in deep shit, oh no I'm swearing again. I can't believe I stood up to him, I'm a bad prey.

I was currently sitting on the concrete behind the school leaning my back against the wall, I was singing one of my favorite songs and humming the tune. When I'm scare, nervous or anything else I pretty much just burst out singing.

"I got these fresh eyes, never seen you before like this
My God, you're beautiful
It's like the first time when we open the door
Before we got used to usual
It might seem superficial, stereotypical, man
You dress up just a little and I'm like, 'Oh, damn'
So suddenly I'm in love with a stranger
I can't believe that she's mine
Now all I see is you with fresh eyes, fresh eyes
So suddenly I'm in love with a stranger
I can't believe that she's mine, yeah
And now all I see is you with fresh eyes, fresh eyes..."

I was going to keep blurting out lyrics uncontrollably till I heard the tapping of a foot, it was the toon of the song but their shoe hitting a concrete didn't make the right melody.

I stop dead in my tracks, I want to see whose tapping their foot but I don't wanna look up. Out of embarrassment I mean.

As they walk over to where I was sitting I was looking at the ground, my eyes widen at the recognizable shoes. It's the new boy.

"Your voice is pretty."


"I'm Luke."

"I'm Parker."

The Hero(book one)Where stories live. Discover now