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Chapter 16

"Parks, what are we going to do up here?" Rylan asked as I dragged him into the room.

"I'll give you a hint, it involves pillows and blankets." I say wiggling my eyebrows, which only deepens his blushing.

"We're going to do 'it'?"

"If by 'it' you mean build a fort then yes we are going to do 'it'." I hear chuckling outside the door, I knew those fools followed us. I wait till I hear all of them walk away chuckling and then I lung at Rylan. I attack his lips with mine and we have a deep, passionate kiss. Our tongues meet and it's heaven, I wish this moment would last forever. Unfortunately he pulls away out of breath and tell me we have to get ready to go to the beach. I pout and run my hand over his lips and he focuses on my lips, we kiss again but this time I pull away, this is fun.

I laugh slightly and take my shirt off, I was in my bra and underwear and his eyes widen and his face turns as red as a tomato. I chuckle and walk over to our bags. I pull out my bathing suit and slip it on, I can feel his eyes never leave my body. After I had my bathing suit on I went through Rylan's entire bag and found a baby blue t-shirt that was much to big for me but it was the shirt that smell like him most. I slipped it on and smelt it, be watched me curiously as I threw his swimming trunks at him.

He slips his clothes off and I can't help but to watch. When he gets to his boxers I stop and keep looking through his bag. When he finished I throw him a red t-shirt to match his white and red trunks. He slips it on and I hook out arms together and we walk out of the door and head down stairs.

"Hey love birds! You done?" Jay says as we walk down stairs. I chuckle and gave a snarky remark.

"With building our fort or making babies?" I ask causally, I see Rylan's face heat up and I chuckle along with the guys.

I watch as Rylan scowls at them.

He's cute when he blushes.

"Oh! I'm cute when I blush?"

"Oops I said that our loud?"

"Sure did!" He says smirking. I shook my head and started walking towards the beach, today was fun, they're fun, I'm glad they're my friends.


"So now that we are back from the beach, do you guys wanna go hang out in the pool?" I ask the guys as they walk in the door, that all nod and I run to the back door. This used to be my mom's vacation home, my dad loved this place so we never got rid of it, we didn't even change it.

We walk over to the pool and I stood there about it jump in when Rylan grabbed my arm.

"Babe you can't jump in with my favorite shirt on." He says pointing at it.

"I will, unless you take it off me." I say raising an eyebrow. He grabs the bottom of his shirt and slide his hands under it he slides his hands farther up my body till he reaches my shoulders the shirt is lifted and he can see my stomach and my entire bathing suit. He swiftly pulls it over my head and then takes in my image. He goes to grab my wait but in one swift go I take his shirt off and close the space between us.

I ran my hands all over his chest feeling every muscle he has, his abs were as hard as bricks, I had a plan. He leans in and kisses me as I scoot back little by little and he desperately closes the space between us as much as he can and kisses me more. He doesn't notice but I do we're now in the edge of the deep end of the pool. I turn to where he was on the edge and I let out tongues meet so he wouldn't notice, he moaned against my mouth and I push him and he slips and falls in the pool.

As much as I loved hearing him moan the sounds of him hitting that water made me laugh. He pops back up and smirks, I jump in and he holds me in his arms.

"Nice one, but I'm one step ahead of you." He says and I turn around confused.

He looks down at my chest and says,"I don't mind what I'm seeing." I follow his gaze and notice my bikini top in his right hand and a smirk on his face. I turn bright red and cover my boobs. He's so stupid.


I took her bikini top and she didn't even notice, I'm a genius, and I really don't mind the view. She has big boobs.

"Oh! I have big boobs do I?" She asks and my eyes widen.

"Shit! I said that out loud?"

"Sure did!" She said pressing her chest against mine. What's she doing.

She grabs my hands and puts them over her....uh this is so weird. She walked out of the pool holding my hands over her boobs and I was redder than I don't know what, I was stunned so I just did what she did and let her be. She kept my hands there and stood in front of the guys.

"Hey, why are you literally half naked, Parker?"

"Because some dip shit decided to steal my top." She says glaring at me. I pick her up, which surprises her and brings her all the way up stairs, I throw her in the bed and put on of my legs between hers, her top is still off, she crosses her arms and covers herself. I chuckle and kiss her non stop.

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