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Chapter 21:

"I didn't know you could hear me." Rylan says blushing a little.

"Come one, I want to get out of here." I say giggling as we walk down the halls of the hospital, we still have New Years to celibate.


We get back and I get a hug from all the guys.

"I'm so glad your okay!" They all say in sync which if you can't tell if very freaky. Did they plan that?

"Me, too. I spent time with my mom through!" All their faces turn pale.

"What do you mean?" Rylan asked confused.

"When the monitor's beeping stopped, I saw my mom."

"What did she say?" He asks timidly.

"I shouldn't die for some one who is already gone, I should live to be with the person I love." I say avoiding eye contact.

"You...I-I...you, l-love someone?" He just manages to say.

"Well obviously, or I wouldn't have fought to live for him." I say smiling at my hands as I fitted around with them while we talked.

"You know your just the most perfect, not to mention, I heard you got them to put my dad away, heh. The day after my birthday, December 24." I chuckled and he laughed.

"I love you." I say hugging him.

"I love you, too." He said without hesitation.


"THE BALL IS GOING TO DROP!" They all scream, man they really have this speaking in sync thing down, creepy.

I walk and stand by Rylan as the boys count down.





"1-" I lean over to kiss Rylan and my lips land square on his cutting him off from screaming one.

"I love you so damn much." He says kissing me back.

"I do t-"

~Rylan's P.O.V.~

"Parker, are you okay?" She was about to say something when she just fell into my arms. I checked her pulse...and it was gone.

We need to get her to the hospital!

"H-hospital!" I yell and they all look at Parker and their eyes widen,"p-please?" I feel tears slip down my cheeks as Jay picks up the phone and calls for help, I can't believe this happened, what's wrong with her?!

When the help comes we aren't aloud to ride with her so we had to drive ourselves.

"Jay drive now!" I yell as he starts and drives well over the limit.

I just hope, my...my love is okay.

Turns out life hates me...

"I'm sorry she's gone."

The Hero(book one)Where stories live. Discover now