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Chapter 17

"I want to!"

"No I can't do that to you, your to gentle."

"I am not, I want it, no I need it, so just do it with me."

"No, I'm not going to do that, your not ready."

"Yes I am, in so ready for this."

"Do you all realize how wrong your conversation sounds?" Jon asks.

I glare at him.

"What does it sound like we're talking about sex, because that all ready happ-" my mouth got covered by a very red Rylan.

"Ohhhh, I see now." The four of the guys say in sync then I process what I just said and go to slap my hand over my mouth but it lands right on top of Rylan's hands.

I can't believe myself. Oh well at least it's just our friends.

"I'm just going to go relax in the jacuzzi." I start walking and Rylan follows but I stop and turn to look at him.

"Alone." I say and he frowns and walks back to his friends. I go and sit in the jacuzzi and close my eyes, it was eleven thirty A.M. When I close my eyes. I slowly open them to someone shaking me.

My eyes widen at who it is.


"Shhh. Be quiet I don't want them to know I'm here." I feel dizzy and I see a bottle of pills in Luke's hand, tell me he didn't drug me.

He leans over and pulls out of the water, I felt my body go numb, Luke reeked of alcohol and I made me wanna gag, but I was numb. He watches the door of the house and I can't turn to see what he's staring at, suddenly he connects our lips and he try's to put his tongue down my throat when I night hit tongue and I taste the metallic taste of blood. He backs away and I hear the house door slam, I wanted to see who it was but I couldn't.

Luke leaves me laying on the ground and the guys rush out to get me.

I see Joey's worried face. I try to show him my expression but it doesn't work, everything starts fading and I quickly do my part.

"H-he drugged m-me, help me." I slipped the bottle of pills into his hand and he looked at it. I don't know how many Luke made me take but it's enough to knock me out.

As Joey pulls me up I see the jacuzzi filled with a painty red color. I look down at my body and see a huge cut down my stomach. What the hell is wrong with that boy?

I clutch my stomach and I hear all of the guys start yelling stuff but it all fades away and I black out.


I can't believe Parker. She told me she wanted to be alone but then when I go to visit her, SHES FUCKING KISSING LUKE. I can't believe her.

I run my hands through my hair consistently and then I hear a knock on my door.

"Go away." I growl at the door.

"Dude she's-"

"Don't take it that way, she says she loved me then she went and kissed Luke." I roar and Jon sighs and walks away. I don't know how much more of Parker's crap I can take.

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