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Chapter 5


I am currently looking at the ceiling of my room, ugh today was a hand full. I have to think about my mom's old friend, my new one, my bully, my brother and my (almost) sister in law.

But Luke...

Oh no! Have you ever had that feeling of realization...that you like someone that you honestly don't want to like? Do I like Luke, no I can't have a relationship with him Rylan would ruin it. No doubt about that.

"Parker, come downstairs someone is here to see you." My dad yells from the kitchen, it's like twelve-thirty am whose would be here at this time?

I walk down stairs and see Rylan in my doorway, he was bloody and beat up. What happened? Why am I feeling sympathy for...Rylan?


He looks down and his shoulders slump down, he flinches at me reaching out to look so I know he hurts. I give him a sad smile.

"Come on in." I say quietly and walk to my room, I assume he follows, but I don't turn around. Once I get to my room I open the door and he walk in, I walk in and close it behind me. I put my back against it and slide to the floor. I sit in front of the door and he sits in the chair at my desk, I guess I'm going to have to ask.

"Rylan, what happened?" I ask with my head on my knees while I hug them.

"I fought someone."

"But, why?"

"They insulted you." My heart stops for a minute, what does he mean. I give him a confused face and notices and starts to talk again.

"They were arguing about who would fuck you better." He says lowering his head.

"And you stood up for me?"

"Uh...y-yeah." Hmm he's stuttering, he might have hurt something in his mouth.

"Are you okay, you were stuttering and talking slow."

"Uh...y-yeah I'm f-fine. Just really t-tired, and I m-may have dr-drank a little too much." He's been drinking, it's probably what lead him to do this. He's really drunk then, I know he's a bad drinker. I better get him to bed.

"Okay, uh, lay down in my bed I'll get some water." I walk down stairs and walk into the kitchen.

"Hey, Parker who was it?"


"Is he okay?"

"He's fine just very drunk and a little beaten up."

"Alright, I trust you so don't let my down." I nod and get the glass of water, I head back up stairs to find Rylan sound asleep in my bed. I set the glass ok the night stand next to him. I go to walk to the guest room when he catches my wrist and starts mumbling.


"Okay." I whisper and crawl into the bed on the other side of him. I can't help but to think, if I had a smaller bed like a twin or something. How would I lay here and him too?

"Thank you, Parker. For being my l-"Hmm that's weird, what was he going to say? I guess I better get some sleep. Being in the same bed as your bully really does somethin' to ya.

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