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Chapter 2


"What do you want Rylan?" I ask angrily, man I hate him so much.

"Hey, superman I thought for sure the first day would of had batman." How did he know I was going to wear batman?

"Leave me alone," I exclaim as I turn around but he grabs my shoulder,"please?" I ask and he rolls his eyes.

"I'll show you mercy and you will live to see another day, but just so you know I'm only doing this because your brother and his girlfriend are coming this way." And then he was gone.

The only person I told about this bullying was my brother's girlfriend but it was when they first got together, which was a while ago. The walked towards me and she raised an eyebrow and give me a look of knowing eyes.

"Hey, sis, were you walking to Rylan?"

I nod and he grins.

"Glad you guys are, so are you two- ya know- going out?" I practically die and I act it out.

"Wow, you should be an actress." Rylan says clapping, what a sarcastic bozo.

"And why would it be funny, mister sleaze bag?" I ask in a snappy tone. He seems to be taken back by it but Eliza just laughs.

"I remember when I was like that to Dylan, he couldn't resist me." She says laughing and Dylan just shrug because he knows she right.

"Whatever." I groan at the thought of me- and...Rylan. Eww!

"I would never ever, ever, never, ever in my entire life, like this dumb nut." I say over exaggerating a little to much.

"Why don't you ever swear? You're so goddamn annoying using words like 'dumb nut'" he says then my brother decides to step in for once.

"Listen here, Rylan. Keep treating my sister like you just did, you won't see the light of tonorr-" he got cut off by Eliza dragging him away,"NO! Parker help me." He whines but Eliza keeps dragging him away. I swear I hate her sometimes.

Why is my brother blessed with good looks, I mean we look alike but he gets every girl drooling at his feet. As where I'm the 'blond with blue eyes who is a book worm and watches anime while her brother is the coolest guy in school'.

Now I won't lie to myself, Rylan is good looking. He had dark brown hair that's always pushed to the side and bright, for the love of Jesus, bright blue eyes. He was stunning, not to mention like a head taller than me,but I never liked him. He always, well more like can get anyone he wants. He hasn't ever gotten me, and he won't ever I always have kept that as my secret pact.

I just wish he would disappear into thin air.

I walk into school ignoring Rylan, whose next to me blabbing on about something but I just tune him out.

I walk into first and see my seat. I've always sat with nobody on my right and Rylan was always on my left. Always.

I sat down and he did too. He kept blabbing on and on. The teacher finally walked in and the classroom fell silent as a tall slim good looking guy walked in behind the teacher. The guy's eyes lock with mine.

Oh boy, this is going to be quite a day.

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