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Chapter 8

At first I thought that it's wouldn't be right to show both of their points of view, but I guess I had to, to fit this scene in. Hope you enjoy.

~Rylan's P.O.V.~

She stormed off without another word, she said she isn't perfect and we were lying, the only person lying was her, because....she's perfect in every way.

"Dude, that chick need a real confidence booster or she need some self esteem." Joey says eyes her as she walks away.

"Yeah, Rylan do you really lo- like her?" Jay says rubbing his cheek, I knew she would hit him is he said one wrong thing.

"Yeah I do." I say staring at the ground.

"Awe looks like someone is blushing," Joey says poking my shoulder. Man, sometimes they are so annoying.

"But seriously dude, if you want her to like you back you have to do stuff you ever do, like tell her stuff you haven't told anyone else," I already got that in the bag, she's the only person know who knows about my dad.

"Or like, help her out-" Joey continues but Jay cuts him off.

"I know, boost her self esteem, make her feel she is pretty, not lying but she is, but really you should help her believe she's worth what people give up for her. Make her feel, well, feel she's good enough." Those words he speaks really strikes me,

"She...Doesn't feel...she's worth it?" I ask slowly.

"You saw her reaction right, she's totally out of it, not to mention the new guy she was turning to mush over." My eyes widen and he heart hurts....another guy?

"Yeah, I hear, his mom and her mom used to be really good friends" Joey adds.

"And they went out for ice cream yesterday." Kai says. They need to stop this is hurting me so much, to think she likes someone else. Oh shit we only have ten minutes to get to school. We better get going, I'll check this new guy out later.

~at school~

It's second period, I have this class with Parker. Everyone has five classes, not including related arts. I have every class with her, except fourth.

She usually sits by herself in class but there's a guy sitting next to her, I think his name is Luke. He's 'in' my group of friends. He saw how I was around her, my normal bully self. I have to, or she would never notice me.

I'll just talk to him at lunch.


"So...Luke, what do you know about...Parker?"

"Parker? Uh...we're friends."

"Anything more?"

"Yeah, are you...ya know jiggling with Rylan's girl."

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRL!" I shout, the whole cafeteria looks at us.

~Parkers P.O.V.~

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRL!" All me and my friends turn around and see that Rylan yelled that in a squeaky voice, I stare him in the eyes he's turns red and looks away. Oh I forgot while all the guys are over there I better apologize for this morning, what I did was mean.

I stand up and walk over to their table, I don't know why Luke keeps looking at me like that.
He always has that goofy smile on his face around me. Makes me wanna gag. He's a creep, defiantly.

"Uh...h-hey guys." I say quietly holding my arm with my other hand. I don't understand why Rylan doesn't like me, I mean I'm not mean to him.

"I-I just wanted t-to say s-sorry for this m-morning, I sh-shouldn't have over reacted to the word p-p-perfect."

They all nod and I turn around and start to walk way when someone grabs my arm. I turn back around and see Rylan holding my arm is his hand but he has he head on the table.


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