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Chapter 11

"Hey sleepy." Rylan says holding my face. He was already awake in guessing.

"Hey, did I fall asleep?"

"Yup, by the way, I don't know why but I think we had a sugar high." He says winking and saying that sarcastically. I chuckle and push all the candy rappers off my bed.

I finally let myself feel, wait he wouldn't ever like me, he likes the perfect girls. I lower my head at the thought. And he raises it with his had under my chin.

"And I've been meaning to talk to you about yesterday morning," I don't know what he means, I apologized.

"Don't ever say you aren't perfect, because you perfect to me." My eyes water, he knows what my mom said to me that day.

~two years ago~

"Mom, you remember Rylan, right?"

"Yes, sweetie, it's nice to see you again."

I ran to my room when Rylan was in the bathroom, I am crying my eyes out because Bryan broke up with me and called me an ugly slut.

"Oh,sweetie, why are you crying?"

"Bryan...broke up with me, he called me an ugly slut!"

"Oh, dear it's okay. Come here let mom comfort you." I stand up and run into her arms, she hold me tight rocking me and 'shh' ing, she rubbed the my head and pulled away wiping my tears.

"I wasn't perfect enough." I say sniffing. Her eyes widen and get watery.

"My dear, don't ever say you aren't perfect, because your perfect to me." She hugged me and when she walked out the door, Rylan walked in stretching.

"I thought you were hanging out with Dyl?"

"I was but I figured everyone needs compony-"
His widen as he sees the tears fall, he must care for me to help me when I'm lonely.

Thank you Rylan.


My eyes get all watery and I burry my face in his chest. I cry for what seem like ever, just buried in his chest. He's so sweet, how did I get someone so sweet in my life.

"Because my hero is perfect." My eyes widen and he hugs me tighter, he called me his hero, but he crushed that dream a long time ago.

Under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear I whisper something.

"The real regrets in my life are the ones I don't ever take." I look up and he gives me a confusing look.

I put my hands on the sides of his head and pull him closer to me, till we are face to face and centimeters apart. Then I look at his lips, he looks at mine and he puts his hands in the sides of my head, and pulls me closer.

Our lips touch and my heart stops, my lungs run out of oxygen and I forget how to breath, what does he do to me, oh I wish I wasn't so....attached to him.

He pulls away and we stare at each other's eyes, he breaks the seriousness with a big goofy grin, I can't help but to do the same.

"I've wanted to do that for a long time, but I knew you never wanted me, but do you?" I can't even speak at the moment so I decide to answer with a simple kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" I whisper with a smirk.

He smiles and then we hear clapping. Our eyes widen as we turn to see Dylan!!!!!

Shit, shit,shit!

"I knew it was coming, you guys have been together for like what, twelve years. And Rylan you've liked her sense she was in seventh, man even mom knew you guys would make a good couple." I'm stunned by Dylan's words.

"What doe you mean Dyl?"

"Mom, she always knew you two would be good together. She told me so, that day you brought him home in second grade. Like how you used to tell mom about your friend, Rylan. We knew you guys were right for each other. I'm happy for you sis, you too Rylan, you got the best girl there is."

I can tell we are both wearing goofy smile still, Dylan walks away chuckling, I assume he was playing video games with Eliza.

"So malady shall we get brunch?"

"I would hope so." I giggle and we get dressed.

I should have kissed him last night, because what happened this morning, I wish it had happened earlier, wait I'm not supposed to wish for something different. But I did just wish I had done something sooner, because it's better than later.

The Hero(book one)Where stories live. Discover now