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Chapter 18


"Jon, did you talk to Rylan?"

"I tried my best but he wouldn't talk to me, I tried but he kept cutting me off. He thinks that she kissed Luke."

A million thought flood my mind, she had already lost a ton of blood by the time we got to her, not to mention how much she had lost when the paramedics got there. Rylan needs to be here. She needs him.

"Rylan need to be here, we don't know what's going on with her."

~2 days later~

December 29

Parker still hasn't woken up and I'm worried, because Rylan doesn't even know what's going on because he hasn't let anyone talk to him. He need to know. Me and jay were sitting next to her and Kai and Jon sat on the other side of her.

The doctor came in and asked us to please stay calm, we said we'll try.

"Okay so, she's in critical condition,"

"Do...you mean that....she's on her-"


"I'm sorry to say this, but her brain isn't letting her wake up, unless something or someone could help. She's going to drift away and pass soon."

I felt tears fall from my eyes and everyone else's too.

"Guys, we need to get Rylan here, A.S.A.P." I blurt out and they all nod.

We decided I would be the one to talk to him, I just hope he'll listen.


I knock on his door and he just groaned and said go away.

"Listen to me-"

"No listen to me, if she can't apologize for herself, she as good as dead to me."

"I need to tell you something." I say quietly.

"What you saw was Luke drugging her, me and he guys saw everything, he drugged her and then stabbed her, she has bleed out a lot when we got to her and then a lot more when the paramedics got there, she's been in a coma ever sense. She's on her deathbed, Rylan. She need your help, he forced that kiss from her,I know you love her, she just needs you right now."

As soon as I finish he's out the door waiting in the car. We race to the hospital and to her room. All the guys look surprised he was here, we all left and let him have a moment with her.


I lay there motionless, the darkness gave me time to think if I was the best thing for Rylan. I mean he never once visited me, and the doctor said I'm on my deathbed. Suddenly I feel a very familiar hand hold mine. My heart jumped with joy and I heard the monitor spike a bit, and as my hand was held I felt my hand being wet, was he crying?

"Please, Parker wake up. I'm so sorry, all I saw was Luke kiss you, I locked myself in my room and was selfish the entire time this was happening, I am so so sorry, can you forgive me, Parks? I don't know if you can hear me-but-please-wake-up, you mean the world to me. I love you so much, I wouldn't switch you with another girl if I had the chance, my heart belongs to you. You understand why I don't show feelings, I tell you everything, from how I think your hot to how caring you are,
I love you so fucking much, but I just need you to wake up." I hear sobs, I wanted Rylan to stop crying, it hurt my heart to hear him cry, to feel his tears.

I try my hardest to try and squeeze his hand but nothing happens, I try to speak his name but it doesn't work, I feel my heart rate spike up and I'm fading quick, this can't be happening.

I shut everything out, the doctors rushing in cause a big ruckus. I block it all out and finally I'm face to face with my mother.

"Mom, in so happy to see you."

"My daughter, welcome to heaven."

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