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Chapter 7

"Am I bringing you to school today, Parks?" Dylan asks as I walk down the stairs. We lived less than a mile from the school, I figured it was easier to walk, I guess forty minutes was enough because I have twenty five left.

I got up this morning and threw on a white crop top with two black stripes and black waist height shorts, I also had my favorite leather black high top Converse.

I shook my head, I grabbed my breakfast from my dad, it was in a bag, and headed out the door. My dad knew exactly what I ate for breakfast, goldfish, my most favoritest food ever, I always have goldfish.

I walk down the street I forgot I put half my blond hair up in a small side ponytail, of course it was only the top part of my hair. I did my make up, too. I mean not like Brittney does hers but I do mine light, unlike that clown and the rest of her circus.

As I walk I notice a red mustang slow down beside me.

"Yo, hottie, you going to Silver Valley High?"

I nod but keep walking as they drive beside me. I had my leather jacket on and it made me feel cool, even though my brother was the cool one.

"Need a ride?" I turned and saw there was like five guys in the car. I look over all of them till my eyes met...Rylan's? My eyes widen and they all look at him, his gray eyes lock on mine and I can't look away.

"Shit." I whisper under my breath, he always makes me swear and he's the only person who does that.

"Parks, you shouldn't swear, you of all people should know not to get screwed up in shit like that." Rylan says smiling softly and everyone shoots him weird looks.

They pull over and get out, this is kinda weird, they all stand in a strait like. Rylan stands next to me.

"Guys this is Parker, my favorite target." He pinches my cheeks and I hold my hands to my chest.

"Okay, Parker my names Joey, this is Kia, that is Jonathan, and this one is Jay." Joey had bright blonde hair, his green eyes were sharp and also very bright. Kai had dark brown hair with light blue eyes. Jonathan had black hair and green eyes, he reminded me of those cats that witches always have as pets that are pitch black with bright green eyes. Jay on the other hand had very light brown hair and had brown eyes, they are so filled with curiosity, I don't know how I know that because a second later Jay is twirling my hair inspecting it. They are all as tall as Dylan and he's like a head taller than me, him and Rylan are also the same height. Joey had light skin that was slightly tan, Kai had sun kissed skin just like Rylan and it went perfectly with his eyes, Jonathan was much lighter than any of them but it made his eyes stand out even more, Jays skin was light like Joeys but it's was slightly more tan than Joey's.

I also had fair skin, it was almost like Rylan's but sadly lighter.

"It's nice to meet you all." I say with a small laugh. They all smile and I see Kai wink, it was playful though.

I turn to Jay who was twirling my hair but giving Rylan a pleading look. I see him mouth please to Rylan and Rylan lowered his head then looks up and nodded. All of the other guys eyes widen and I give them a confusing look.

"You skin so fair, hair as bright as the sun you eyes shine like the sky and stars. Your sweet voice nurses the week back to the perfect strength. You shape is so perfect and you soft skin is so very soft. You smell like you just were born from a rose, your features so nice..." he went to continue but I slapped him and he stood there wide eyed looking at me stunned as well as all the other guys.

"Don't ever tell me anything about me is perfect, I get enough lies from my dad so don't start. Leave me be, I don't want to be perfect, but it's not like I had a chance anyways. Those clowns are always picking on me." I start storming off and Rylan tries to catch my arm but I walk faster. Gosh I hate when people tell me lies.

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