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Chapter 14

"Okay its six sharp and everyone is here! Good job guys!" I watch as they all devour their food, dad left on a business trip two days ago and Dyl and Eliza left last week. So it's just us.

"Woe, P you've got a big house, where are we all sleeping?"

"The lounge room, our bags are already packed into the limo so we can just go tomorrow. We can stay up all night if you want and then sleep in the car, that's what I'm doing, I've got my tv down there and my PS4 among with the xbox1,360 and 1s so we have enough for everyone." The guys seem surprised, well Rylan doesn't because he's known me forever.

After eating we start for the lounge room, as we walk in a hear, 'woe's and 'awesome's I guess the guys like it here.

"Holy shit! You have a like four huge tvs down here!"

"Well yeah one for each console." We start playing and me and Ry play on the PS4 , Joey and Jay have the Xbox 1s, and Kai and Jon have the Xbox 360.

Soon enough two o'clock ones and we hop in the limo. I pull out the beds from the seat and everyone lays down besides me and Rylan, there was only pull out beds that were like twin sized so Rylan got in mine and pulled my back into his chest. The driver gave us blankets and we all slept.

I wake up eight hours later in a big bed. How did I get here? I look around and see my luggage along with Rylan's, oh we must be here already. Rylan must of carried me.

I stood up and stretched. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I found everyone.

"Hey, sleepy." Rylan says with a big smile. It looks like they were thinking about what to do.

"You guys know schedules are over there." I pointed to a shelf in the kitchen and Joey went over and pulled out six papers.

"Okay so tidy we are going to pick something off this list and then same the rest of the time we are here?"

"Pretty much, there are twenty eight things and twenty eight days, but we can do more than one each day, like today I suggest we just break in with the hot tub and pool, it's a nice day for it, plus we just got here and it's good to start with the small things." They all nod and we eat some food.

Soon enough we go to change into our bathing suits. I figure it's not been that long but me, so Rylan shouldn't see each other naked.

I go to the bathroom and he changed in the room. I change and look at my legs, I'm glad I shaved, then I take my hair out of the perfect bun it was in. It's now wavy and all pretty, I looks fine with my white bikini, it really brings out my skin. I hope that Rylan likes it.

I walk out of the bathroom only to see he isn't here, everyone must be down stairs waiting for me.

I walk down the stairs and see them all putting presents under the tree, I see Rylan had brought my gifts down, but glad he didn't find my special one that was for him.

"Hey guys!" I say walking down the stairs, they all start whistling and I see Rylan turn bright red and then glare at the guys. They automatically stop and continue with the presents.

"Hey, you look great!" He says grabbing me around my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Hey, Parker, I didn't realize how skinny you are." Jon says.

"Thank you?" I don't know if that was a good thing or not. Oh well, we are here to have fun.

"Alright then let's hit the pool." We all run out the door and jump into the in ground pool, it was huge, it was nine feet deep in one side. That's the side we jumped in. It walks had the jacuzzi near it.

I can tell this vacation is going to be fun.

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