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Chapter 15

"Okay so today is Christmas!" I say excitedly

Jay had to leave for a bit, but he would be back later, that's what he said.

"Ya!" They all yell.

"Are you guys ready to open presents?"

"Hell yes." They all say in sync.

I brought Rylan's gift with me, be I'm hiding it because he gets it last.

"Okay go!"we open all the presents from Jon first, he got Joey a iTunes card, we all know how much he love those things, he got Kai a new hat that said 'Stay Cool' on it, Kai loves hats. He got Jay a remote control helicopter and Rylan a new laptop, when he hands me mine everyone looks as I slowly open it, I open mine and it's a beautiful bracelet. It looked like who vines intertwining, the vines were gold and there was small diamonds places all around it. It's was awesome.

"Oh thanks so much Jon!" I say and he chuckles, I throw my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Alright, your welcome guys." He said smiling cockily. I playfully roles my eyes as Kai hands out his presents we all open them at the same time, Jon got a phone case that was all black with a gold skull in the middle, I heard him yell 'yas!' And I giggled a bit. When Jay got a pair of shoe, they were Jordan's, that were red with silver marks on it. He must really love his shoes. I giggle as jay grabs Kai and he's buried in a hug bear hug. When Joey opened his his mouth dropped, it was a picture frame, out of the weeks I knew Joey I learned no matter how snarky or tough he was, he cares deeply for his friends. He smiles, it's a picture of all of us.

I'm thrown over Rylan's shoulder and Joey was rolling on the ground holding his stomach laughing. Kai has a amused look as him and jay were talking and pointing at me and Rylan. I didn't know someone took a picture of us.

"Thanks, dude."

"Your welcome, now I've noticed neither Rylan or Parks has opened there gifts, Parks first, Rylan last." Kai said smiling.

"Wow, thanks for breaking our number one rule." Rylan says pretending to be hurt.

"And what would that be?" I ask raising an eyebrow but couldn't helps smiling.

"Bros before hoes." He grinned and I smacked his shoulder, I shook my head and grabbed present.

I opened mine as gracefully as I did the last and I was stunned at the sight it was action figures of The Flash, Batman, Superman, Green arrow, black canary and Wonder Woman.

I jumped up and shrieked, all the guys burst out laughing as I jumped and held up the figures. I run to Kai and sat in front of him, inspecting him closely.

"How did you know?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"I'm a good friend?" He says scratching the back of his neck, I king at him and rap my arms around him, he uncontrollable smiles and all the guys laugh.

"Oh thank you so much, I've had all the justice league except the super rare figures which was these one! My collection is finally complete!" I say holding up my present.

"I know, you guys didn't see it, she has every D.C. Superhero action figure. There is a whole chest full of them neatly arranged in her closet." Rylan says mockingly. I glare at him but it turns into a big goofy smile.

"Okay! Rylan open your present." Kai says smiling as I walk back to sit next to Rylan. Rylan opens his present and it's a super hero shirt that sad 'The Flash'. I fake pout and they all laugh, it's no fair he gets to something cool.

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