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Chapter 6


"Mmmmm." I heard something behind me, but I'm looking towards the window. Who's beside me? Oh wait I remember...Rylan!

I slowly try to move out of the bed, but I can even sit up. I shift my arms and push his off of me. I sit up and he rolls over, glad I didn't wake him.

"Hey Rylan, You have to get up." I say softly shaking him a bit. It's twelve-thirty and he still isn't up. I don't know if he's just tired or hurt.

"Okay. Okay, I'll get up." Rylan says sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"So, what were you going to say last night? I know you were drunk but you said something and just fell asleep mid sentence, I didn't want to wake you up because I know you don't get to sleep like a baby every night."

The only reason I let Rylan bully me is because I know what goes on at his home, his dad isn't a real dad to him. He does terrible things to him, things a father should never do to his son. I found out in eighth grade, Rylan came to school looking unlike his usual self and pushed away anyone who asked about the bruises on his face and arms, I remember in like it was yesterday.

~four years ago~

"Rylan, dude, what happened to you?" Jake asked and Rylan rolled his eyes and walked away, I don't want to but I have to see if he's okay. I'll just ask him after school, at the basketball court behind the school.

~after school~

"Hey, Rylan!" I say waving, I think I accidentally said that sadly.

"What do you want, loser?"

"I-I'm sorry I just wanted to s-see if you were...okay." I admit a little scared.

He walked up to my face and I held my hands to my chest, he narrowed his eyes and locked them with mine. Man, he can be scary,"Leave me be, don't ask what's wrong. Nothing's wrong, got that?" He says in a mean voice, but I can hear the sadness in it.

"But," I take a chance and step closer,"I'm just worried about you." I wind blew, blowing my hair behind my back and into the air. In a split second in was on the ground and my jaw dropped.

He...pushed me to the ground. At first I didn't feel the pain but now it's starting to come in, I look at my hands and elbows, there had been shattered glass all over the ground. I look at my legs, they are cut and bleeding. It's not bad bleeding I just have cuts, but when I look at Rylan his expression was worst than mine.

His shoulders had slumped over and his eyes were so wide and watery, his jaw was dropped, he covered his face with his hands,"I'm so sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay," I say softly, I get up and walk over to him. The pain is going away, but it still hurts,"I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry. Please, forgive me." I say lowering my head.

"Don't apologize to me," he said sobbing, oh no I made him...cry?!?

"I hurt you all because he hurt me." My eyes widen, he can't mean His dad is hurting him? This can't be. I don't understand, well I must be right because I always see him avoiding going home. Suddenly he throws himself in my arms and sobs more and more, I know we aren't kids or even friends, but I guess I'm the close thing to family he's got, just like a little sister.

~present day~

"It's was nothing." He said with a cold voice and dark expression, but just like that he slipped out of my room and of the front door, jeez man, a thank you would have been nice.

Oh crap I've got to get to school in-FOUTY MINUTES!

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