part 12 - the forbidden apple

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You are the forbidden apple.
I wanted to have you, but I couldn't have you.
I wasn't allowed to have you.
But I chose you, even though I was aware of the the consequences.
I have sinned, because of you.
Having a taste of you was better than never being able to have you. It was better than living in Eden, seeing you everyday and feel a painful longing everytime I caught a glance at you.
Calling you mine for a second was better than living besides you and knowing that I can never have you for an eternity.
You are the forbidden apple.
I started to be able to differ good from bad.
You were beautiful, but I realized: You are bad.
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't suffer, I wouldn't live in pain, I wouldn't had to leave Eden, kicked out by god himself.
I would be peacefully living in paradise.
But I gave up Eden for you.
Oh, if only you would have never existed, I wouldn't live in agony.
You are the forbidden apple.
Who worked together with the snake.
The snake that told me that it was okay.
It was okay to have you.
But what I didn't realize:
You were the snake and not the apple.

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