part 29 - first love

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I remember the first time I saw you
Asking my mother why you were standing in our living room.
She proudly told me that you were the new member of our family
I had to look up to you, because I was maybe half as tall as you.
My mother had to lift me up to reach you.
You, the brown piano of my childhood
And everytime I touched you with my small little hands
- I felt happiness
I was still a little kid, so I didn't realize your significance in my life

When I grew older, became taller than you
But I lost my interest in you
Even though you made me so happy once
But everytime I walked past you I just saw the dust piling on you
- and I didn't care
But I was a rebellious little kid, so I didn't realize your significance in my life

There was my weak moment
When I returned after years of rejecting you
I wondered if you would accept me
I awkwardly sat down to you
But you accepted me with no repulsion
And in this moment there were only you and me
And the sweet melody of yours
Until the the morning dawn
It was the first time I started to realized your significance in my life.

You were always here for me
Even back then, when I fell into the depth of despair
And I felt nothing than fear and sadness
You were the only thing to calm me down
When no one else could
You didn't even say a word, but you still helped me through it
Don’t ever let go of my hand, I won’t let go of you again either
I know your significance in my life now, your significance no one could ever replace

But one day you were gone.

I never wanted to let you go, trust me.
I never realized how much I would've missed you if you were gone
But now I watched my teens pass by
And only the memories of you were left
You were my happiness.
Even though I never admitted it before.

You, the brown piano of my childhood
You never left my side
Even though I always pushed you away
You told me we would see eachother again
One day, in no matter what form
And bring our memories back to life
Ever since I'm counting the days
Waiting to see you
Ever since I'm realizing were my FIRST LOVE.

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