part 65 - never have i ever

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Never have I ever held hands with a guy
Everyone laughed and drank a shot
Everyone in this round, except of me
And I stared at my glass and wondered why
Then the people also asked me why
But I simply couldn't tell
I just really wanted to hold hands
With someone who loves me the way I am
But maybe I am not someone to love, I said
Maybe love only belongs to those who deserve it

Never have I ever kissed someone
Everyone chuckled and drank a shot
Everyone in this round, except of me
And I stared at my glass and wondered why
Then the people once again asked me why
But I simply couldn't tell
I started to feel lonely and sad
I just wanted to feel your soft lips touching mine
Even though I think I didn't deserve to feel happiness
But maybe I have to love myself first, I said
Maybe love only belongs to those who love themselves

Never have I ever loved someone who didn't love me back
Everyone was quiet and I drank a shot or two
Nobody in this round drank, except of me
And I stared at my empty glasses and wondered why
Then the people asked me if I was okay
But I simply couldn't tell
I started to feel dizzy and lost
I just really wanted to feel loved
But I know I've been trying too hard
And maybe I'm someone to love, I thought
Maybe love only belongs to those who don't search for love

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