part 41 - hair tie

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[Love Yourself - 남준]
The little things in life
Are the things we should hold on to
We should treasure before
Everything's falling apart again

Even if it's just saying thank you to the cashier
Stopping to watch the scenery on a bridge
Or helping someone to pick up their flyers
Before the wind blows them away

A soft thank you left your lips
While you're leaving as fast as the wind
So I watched you walking away to be sure
You were real and not just in my imagination

The rubber band that clings around your hair
Made me worry in which conditions you live in
And the face of my friend on your flyer
Made me worry even more

You looked indifferent to your brother
In a good way, I mean, really beautiful
So beautiful I wasn't able to look away
Not even when you turned around and looked at me

I hoped he would have returned home
After the incident we had at the sea
And took care of you just like
He always told us he did

I never met you, because of the problems
His family had to deal with at home
But he always talked about you
How lovely, how beautiful you were

I called your brother afterwards
To tell him his sister missed him
But he didn't reply, even declined
And then shut off his phone completely

Knowing your brother isn't with you
Made me want to take care of you instead
Not sure if it was for your brothers sake
Or my own interest of seeing you happy

I never thought I would see you again
But still always carried a hair tie with me
Just in case fate wants us to meet again
So I'd be able to give you at least that

I didn't think straight when I spotted you
Entering the bus driving to Daegu
I just knew fate wanted us to meet
So I followed you inside

I didn't want to bother you for no reason
I didn't know where your brother was after all
So I only watched you from behind
Because I know it's not the time yet

You fell asleep and I knew I should wake you up
But I didn't, because I knew you were strong
Strong enough to live on your own for now.
I left the bus, I left your life.

You know, the little things in life
Are the things we should hold on to
We should treasure before
Everything's falling apart again

Even if it's just giving someone a hair tie
Watching the scenery while driving the bus
Or seeing the graffiti your brother left
To tell that he's definitely not okay.

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