part 54 - stand still

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Stand still, breathe in and smile,
Say cheese, pretty pose and exhale.
Don't move, look at me, turn around,
Take my hand, fall in love, just see.

I am the girl behind the camera.
I want to see you smile bright
With every picture I took of you
Your smile belonged to me for a second.

At least I hoped so, but it wasn't like this.

You are the guy infront of the camera
You see my camera and want to leave
On every picture I saw of you
You wished I stopped taking pictures for a second.

Walk off, be annoyed, say no
Hide the lense, roll your eyes, go away.
Hate me, run away, no memories.
In the end, your smile never belonged to me.

the realms of day and night. || bts poetryWhere stories live. Discover now