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Sorry, my friend
To the wind I whisper true
In hopes that these words spoken
May find its way to you

I hope you can forgive me
For the deed that I have done
I never meant to push you far
I never meant to treat you like none

Do you remember the olden times?
Childhood days so long ago
We would wait for all of them to leave
For the adults to talk like so

Then we'd sneak out for hide & seek
We'd talk and for a while just roam
We'd fool around, smile and laugh
'Till it was time for me to go home

As a child my heart was crushed
When they told me to leave you be
They did not want you by my side
They did not want you friends with me

So one day you asked again to play
With heavy heart I just said no
You tried to talk, you tried to smile
But in fear I just turned my back to go

And everytime I pushed you away
I saw the pain there in your eyes
I saw the question you wanted to ask
You wanted to know why

Why in just one day all had changed
Why I've suddenly become farther
Why two kids who once were friends
Were back to nothing more than strangers

They were glad that I just stayed away
Though I cried as I lost a friend
Then your family took a plane back home
And we did not see each other since then

Days flew and years passed
And along with time we grew
My heart was since then plagued with guilt
My mind trying to rid of you

But one summer, Sunday morning
I saw you once again
My feet stopped dead and our eyes met
And I remembered our times from then

I had much to say, tons to explain
But all I could muster was a hi
You hesitated but still waved hello
Then later said goodbye

You then walked past, called by your dad
And I took one last look in your eyes
And my heart clenched when all I could see
Was the unanswered question why

I wanted to tell you, to make matters clear
To say what I couldn't long before
I'd understand if you'd hate me then
Forgiveness was now all I could ask for

I readied myself to face you
I'm sorry replaying in my head
But nothing ever prepared me
For the news I heard instead

So there I was, dressed in black
Presenting myself to you
With aching heart, I took a breathe
As I spoke those words long due

I'm sorry, my friend
I whispered, as I stained the glass with tears
I'm sorry I left you in the dark
I let our friendship die because of fear

I'm sorry I never let you know
I'm sorry I hurt you in the end
Though I never got to show you so
You will always be my friend

My hands trembling, lip quivering
One last look at eyes now closed
Goodbye... Forgive me
As I gently lay down a red rose






I'm sorry... I whisper

Everyday as the wind softly hums

I'll never know your answer but...

Please forgive me when the time comes

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