"Please Don't Go"

42 4 7

Please don't go
I need you here
You need not walk away

Please don't go
I love you, dear
Please turn around and stay

Please don't go
My heart cries out
As my eyes well up with tears

Please don't go
I try to shout
But my lips are shut in fear

Please don't go
Repeats my mind
Like a song stuck in my head

Please don't go
I freeze as I find
My body quivering with dread

Please don't go
I try to say
But I'm stuck here on my tracks

Please don't go
Please turn this way
Please do not turn your back

Please don't go
My hands reach out
While yours tightly grip the door

My mouth opens
Ready to shout
But you're not there anymore

The door hangs open
Silence heavy
The tears finally flow down

I look and stare
At space now empty
As I fall slowly to the ground

Amongst the quiet
That painfully lingers
My tongue finally let go

With trembling voice
To nothing I whisper
I'm sorry...
Please don't go...

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