If Only You Had Stayed

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A/n: It's better if you read If Only You Came Back before reading this one but this poem can also stand on its own


Tears were shed that awful day
Bags settled heavily in my grasp
I'll wait for you. Here I'll stay
You said, reluctant to leave my clasp

With eyes wet, and feet like lead
I set off for another land
Thinking I should be with you instead
And how I miss holding your hand

On the train my mind was ablaze
Burning with memories of you
All I could see was your haunting gaze
And a longing that only grew

I served my time, did what was asked
Gave my all for work and labour
Endured aching muscles and bones that cracked
For the love that we both harboured

Every bead of sweat, each heavy load
I went through all for love
Your eyes and smile, it gave me hope
I did it all for you, my love

Your voice was my sweet lullaby
Your smile wiped off the pain
Thoughts of you helped hours tick by
Our treasured moments kept me sane

And every night, without a fail
I clutch our picture tight
To chilly winds, I let my words sail
I'll come back for you, one night

~ ● ~

After years the time had come
Bags were packed, and all was set
I'd be back to where I was from
My heart was beating out my chest

None could wipe the smile off my face
Can't wait too see you once more
Gifts for you all packed in a case
To be back was all I could ask for

I hopped on a train, heart beating fast
Thoughts running for miles on end
I wanted to feel your touch at last
Wanted to be in your arms again

Its wheels had stopped, I sprinted out
Made my way to the front stairs
I opened the door, ready to shout

But then you weren't there

Lights were out, the house was bare
Only four walls and the ceiling
The bed that we had once shared
Lay there filthy against walls peeling

Amongst the cobwebs and the dust
I fell down with a broken cry
You've torn what we built on trust
Now I'm left with the question why

Heart now broken, tears now shed
Sat on a floor so thin
With clouded mind and eyes so red
I think of what could've been

I would've crept in silently
Then hug you from behind
We'd live again so happily
We'd leave those years behind

I would've brought you to a lake
And make up for time we missed
We'd stay until the day would break
Under the stars we'd share a kiss

I would've asked you to marry me
We could've had our fun
With our kids, we could've lived in glee
And hold hands under the sun

We would've held each other through the years
Through the good times and the bad
I would've wiped off all your tears Reminisce the good 'ol days we had

If only you had waited true
We'd love each other until we aged
We'd share a life, just me and you
If only you had stayed

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