If Only You Came Back

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Tears were shed that awful day
I didn't want to let you go
I'll come back for you someday
Your words in my heart I sow

I watched you slowly turn your back
After we said goodbye
But I knew someday, you'd be back
You wouldn't let your promise die

So everyday I waited true
In this little home of ours
I sang melodies, all filled with you
Did everything to pass the hours

I read every book in our little shelf
Swept and tidied the walls and floor
I even knitted dresses for myself
While seated waiting by the door

The calendar became a friend now
The clock a good acquaintance
I counted days as time allowed
Till your presence was at the entrance

Your words rung through my head
Like a tape stuck on replay
And every minute as I lay in bed
I hoped your words would come true one day

And every night, without a fail
Leaning on the window rack
To chilly winds, I let my words sail
When will you come back?


Years passed and yes, I've tried
Tried to keep all remaining hope
Can't count the nights wherein I cried
You were slipping away like soap

I wake everyday expecting to see
Your body snuggled up against mine
Instead I'm faced with space empty
It was clear that I wasn't fine

The more I waited, the more I sunk
It got harder to resurface
My battered heart shrunk and shrunk
The hurt was bubbling to the surface

Someone came along, offered a hand
Wiped all the tears away
He was always there to understand
He was there to save my day

When I was down he made me smile
He stayed there by my side
He was patient, he was never vile
He helped the pain subside

I was thankful that he lifted me
From nearly drowning in depression
Though I still missed you terribly
I needed a distraction

So his comfort I soon accepted
And I leaned down on his shoulder
He healed me when my heart was wounded
Warmed me when it got colder

But he surprised me, winter morning
When he got down on one knee
At that point I was barely breathing
When he said please marry me

But I know deep down who I still love
T'was only you from the very start
To me you were a gift from above
You were the one who held my heart

But t'was also you who broke my soul
It was you who went and left
In my heart you dug a hole
Until there was nothing left

So I tried and waited just a bit more
Maybe you'd be back in a few days
I stayed and waited by the door
While he waited for my say

It became too much eventually
I couldn't take another guess
I didn't think, so reluctantly...
I nodded and told him yes

He continued to cheer me up
He continued to stay by my side
He offered his love in a golden cup
Until I was to be his bride

So before the altar as I stood
In front of all his friends and kin
I let a tear flow down for good
As I think of what could've been

I could've woken up one morning
And seen you there beside me
For the first time in years, I'd be smiling
And setting my sorrows free

I would've hugged you really tight
Said I love you a million times
We'll forget the times I cried at night
Make new memories for a lifetime

I would've said yes to you
If you asked or gave me a ring
You and I could've started anew
I'll be your queen and you my king

By now we could've settled down
With kids to call our own
We'd live in a quiet little town
Until the little ones had grown

I would give you all my life
With you I'd face all troubles
We'd stay together through each strife
Hand in hand we'd go through rubble

If only you were here somehow
My life wouldn't feel so blank
It would be you with me right now
If only you came back

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