"Grow Up"

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You don't understand a word I say
I can't tell you all my troubles
All you do is shout and play
All you do is burst my bubble

You are just a little kid
You know nothing in this world
You ruin everything you touch
Though it's just fun for a little girl

How I wish you'd just grow up
Then we might talk properly
You wouldn't make a mess no more
I'd get you and you'd get me

No more running after you
No more disturbance in the night
No more pulling my dress so we could play
No more crying 'till I say you're right

No more knocking non-stop
When I say I have to study
No more rolling around too much in bed
Then hugging me too tightly

I wouldn't have to put up with this
We'd have good times together
We'd still play, maturely maybe
You'd be the perfect little sister

I spent years just waiting
For when you are no longer small
But I didn't notice you changing then
That you were growing after all

One day I locked my room again
I told you I was busy
I waited for that annoying voice
But you weren't there to bother me

The playing blocks you loved so much
Now stocked up in a drawer
All the dolls you drew on
Have dust decorating their sweaters

Suddenly it was all too fast
You grew up instantly
All your little games I hated
I now missed so terribly

Now there's no more running after you
No more disturbance in the night
No more pulling my dress so we could play
No more crying 'till I say you're right

No more knocking non-stop
When I say I have to study
No more rolling around too much in bed
Then hugging me too tightly

I regret all the times that I said no
I regret pushing you away
All you asked was to be with me
All you wanted was to play

Now I'm sorry I made that wish
I'm sorry for rushing you
Now all I want is for you to come back
I regret that my wish came true

I forgot to cherish all the moments
All the laughter, all the fun
Both of us grew all too quickly
And now that time is done

So now I wish I could go back
To when you were just a little kid
To when please grow up was all I said
'Cause now I wish you never did

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