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I know I have other stories that I am working on but I have been smitten by the tales of Tolkien once more, and started writing on a story I started on almost two years ago, then I stopped for about 18 months, but now, I wanted to give it another try.

 This story will manly concentrate around "The Hobbit" movies but with some from the book as well. This is my first Hobbit story and I hope you like it.

Please give feedback!

I do not own "The Hobbit" only my own OC.



The little woman ran as fast as she could with the bundle in her arms. She tried her best to ignore the pain she felt in her lower abdomen but it slowed her down for just a few moments. She was a dwarf and dwarf do not give up. Not because of bloody orcs!

"Find the woman, kill her and bring me the child!" The woman heard from somewhere behind her. The woman pushed away from the stone she was hiding behind, leaving trails of blood for them to follow. She knew the pale orc was not far behind but she knew she had to keep going. The orcs had invaded her small kingdom and she had no one anymore, only the little bundle of joy in her arms. Her king and queen were dead but the last thing her dear Queen Nore of Gemstone told her maid was to protect the little princess with her own life and that is exactly what she intended to do. The howling of wargs told her that they are even closer than before. The woman reached the end of the stony road and now she couldn't get anywhere. She had to think fast and finally spotted a little cave just to her left. 

The woman knew that if they both went in there, they would both be dead soon, so the short little female dwarf did the only thing she could ever think off. She took the little princess and hid her inside the cave, covered in her cloak and the silver necklace her mother left the dwarf woman before she died. The dwarf woman kissed the sleeping girl on the forehead before running out of there without a second look back. She dared not do it. Mahal, she hoped this would work; she would die to save the life of the little princess, the savior of her kin. The dwarf woman took out her sword and decided to try fight the orcs as well as she could, even though she was weak from the blood loss. As the orcs grew closer, the dwarf woman stopped being afraid. This was for the future queen of Gemstone. The pale orc was not with the pack that approached her.

"Where is the girl?" One of the Orcs with a snarl as the warg snapped its teeth towards her.

"Somewhere you will never find her." The dwarf woman back at him, sword at the ready. "I'll rather die than hand her over to you." The orc only smiled and looked back at his pack.

"Well lads, let us grant the stinking dwarf her wish." He said with a laugh. One of the wargs shot forward and the dwarf woman never had the chance. 

Her lack of fight skills did not help her in this matter. The warg grabbed her between it's teeth, making the woman cry out in immense pain. 

She was thrown around as a rag doll before they could hear a horn in the clearing. It was an elf horn. In seconds, the place swam with elves, killing every orc and warg in sight. Miraculously, the dwarf woman were still alive but there was nothing to be done for the poor woman. One of the elves knelled down by the woman's head. He could tell it would not be long.

"Please, help the princess." She whispered helplessly. "Please help the princess of Gemstone."

"Where is she, dwarf woman?" The Elf with compassion.

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