Unexpected Sickness

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Here is the next chapter! It's just a short one, but it does the trick.

Hope you like this one!

Read, review and enjoy!

I do not own "The Hobbit", Only my OC



Two weeks had passed by since Amee and the other four dwarves had arrived at the mountain, and for those two weeks, they did nothing but to look for that stone, eat and sleep, not that Amee could eat. But she was stubborn and didn't want to show the others how tired she was from the darkness and the sickness she felt inside this mountain.

 Amee has always felt a connection with mountains but this one was screaming at her. All of the dwarves that died in here when Smaug took the mountain, it was as if she could feel them. This was all happening because of the lack of sunlight and fresh air. Kili could see it, but Amee always told him she was fine even though she wasn't. That morning, Amee felt dizzy when she woke up but didn't tell anyone about it. Kili wrapped his arm around her waist as they prepared for a new day, searching for the Arkenstone. She still put Kili first and was the same devoting and loving betrothed that she always were.

They all started to search the huge pile of gold and treasure once again and the others could see Amee struggling.

"The Princess look sicker now than after the goblin attack." Ori said with concern as he watched Amee closely and Kili who was never far away from her.

Amee could feel everything closing in on her. The voices and the ghosts came closer and closer, but she knew that she couldn't continue to ignore their pleading and shouting.

Suddenly, Amee lost her footing and clutching her head before she tumbled down on her hands and knees. Kili climbed towards her hysterical.

"Amee!" Kili yelled at her as the others came to help.

"Kili. I'm fine! I've told you this before." Amee said tiredly.

"No you're not fine, lass. You're too pale and fragile to even be working." Oin said worriedly as he looked over her features. Amee was about to answer when Thorin appeared.

"Any sign of it?" Thorin asked not bothering to ask what was wrong with Amee.

"Nothing yet." Dwalin said shaking his head.

"Keep searching!" Thorin demanded.

"That stone could be anywhere." Bofur argued.

"The Arkenstone is in these halls. Find it! All of you." Thorin barked.

"The princess is hurt and sick. She needs rest." Ori said carefully.

"No one rests until it's found." Thorin told them before retreating. Bilbo hated seeing his dear friend in this much pain and he needed to do something about it. He walked over to Amee and Kili.

"Let me take Amee upstairs so she can get some fresh air." Bilbo offered and for once, Amee didn't argue and just nodded. Kili helped her up but didn't let her go right away.

"I promise I will get you if something happens." He said reassuringly to Kili. "She needs to breathe a little."

"All right. I don't like you leaving my side but I need you better than this." Kili said and kissed her forehead softly, afraid that she might break. Amee didn't answer, but smiled at him before following Bilbo. He brought food and water for both himself and her so that they could try to enjoy a meal. The moment Amee felt the fresh air on her skin, she found herself able to breathe better. She sat down on a rock and inhaled the clean air. Bilbo sat next to her, just watching her as she to a sip of water.

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