Unexpected Liaisons

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I give you another chapter! Like I said the last time, I didn't know if I was going to write more but I'll give it one more try... I could say that I won't update again until I get at least 5 or 8 reviews on a chapter but I won't... I will keep on writing like before!

I hope you'll like this one as well!

read, review and enjoy!

I do not own "The Hobbit" only my Oc.



"It was the day the dragon came."

"The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the Lord of the city rallied his bowmen to fire up on the beast. But a dragon's hide is tough. Tougher than the strongest armor. Only a Black Arrow fired from a windlance... could have pierced the dragon's hide and few of those arrows were ever made. The store was running low when Girion made his last stand."


"Had the aim of Men been true that day much would have been different." Thorin said thinking back on what happened.

"You speak as if you were there." Bard said walking up to him.

"All dwarves know the tale."

"Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosened a scale under his left wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast." Bain said eagerly.

"That's just a fairy story, lad. Nothing more." Dwalin said with a sad chuckle.

Amee on her hand didn't know what to believe. She thought that it could be true but didn't say anything about it.

"You took our money. Where are the weapons?" Thorin asked not so politely.

"Wait here." Bard told him and walked downstairs. Kili nodded that he was ready to get his clothes on now and stood up, letting Amee have the blanket wrapped around herself. He didn't mind seeing her like this but it didn't mean that his fellow dwarves should see her like this.

"You can change in here." Sigrid said gesturing to a smaller and more private room for Amee to change.

"Thank you." Amee said quietly and followed Sigrid away from the others. The dress Amee borrowed from Sigrid was a little bit long for her but she could manage. But then again, the bust was a little too small, making her chest 'pop' a little.

"How am I going to fight in this thing?" Amee mumbled to herself as she tried to adjust the dress a little. Just as she finished, she could hear mumbling on the other side of the door and she decided not to walk out right away, and just listen.

"Tomorrow is the last day of autumn." Thorin said quietly.

"Durin's Day falls the morn after next. We must reach the mountain before then." Balin shot in.

"And if we do not? If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" Kili asked looking around for Amee.

"Then this quest has been for nothing." Fili told him. That was when the door opened and Amee stepped out.

"Well, not for nothing." Balin chuckled a little when others gasped. Sure, they had seen Amee in a dress before but not a dress like that.

"Is there something wrong?" Amee asked worriedly but none of them answered and it freaked her out. "Come on stop staring, it's just a dress." Luckily, Bard came back just then and dumped the weapons on the table. It wasn't the best weapons in the world but it was better than nothing Amee thought to herself. Oh, whom was she kidding? Those were not good at all and she was so glad she still had her precious bow.

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