Not So Unexpected Bravery

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Here's the next chapter for you! Smaug comes to town and how will this affect Amee?

Read, review and enjoy!

I do not own "The Hobbit." Only my oc.



The dragon was coming to town, and Amee knew that this was bad. All those people that would die, how could she live with herself after something like that? Tauriel came back inside, something that surprised Amee and the others.

"We have no time. We must leave." Tauriel ordered.

"Get him up." Oin told Fili about his brother but Kili didn't want any help at all.

"Fast as you can." Tauriel told Tilda.

"I'm not leaving. Not without our father." Bain said, trying to be a man.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die. It that what your father would want?" Amee told him a little harshly but it was the only way to get through to him.

They all ran downstairs to get to their boat. Amee grabbed onto Kili's hand, trying not to show that she was scared but it was hard not to be afraid. They all could hear the roar of the dragon and the terrified people screaming.

"Dragon!" Someone yelled, and Amee could feel Kili wrapping his arm around her waist, trying to keep her safe. All around them, they could hear people screaming and the roaring of the fire.

"Miss Amee!" Tilda shouted and Amee turned to her. "Da is trapped in the dungeon!" She yelled with tears in her eyes and it made Amee feel even worse. Amee tried to block out every scream but she couldn't. They just pierced through her mind. Kili could feel what Amee was feeling and he knew that she would do something stupid. Amee tried to get out of the boat but he stopped her.

"Amee! Stop this right now!" Kili screamed at her, yanking her down to him.

"Look out!" Bofour yelled and their boat collided with the 'Master's' boat and almost went overboard. Amee grabbed the youngest on instinct and made sure she wouldn't fall into the cold water. All around them fire an screamed irrupted and Amee suddenly understood her meaning... She wasn't the savior of dwarves, she was the savior of everyone. Or at least, that's what she thought right now.

"Da!" Bain called out and that made Amee look in the same direction. Bard fired arrow after arrow at the dragon but it was to no use. The dragon only got more irritated.

"He hit it!" Kili yelled. "He hit the dragon!"

"No." Tauriel said under her breath.

"He did! He hit his mark! I saw." Amee looked over at Tauriel and they both felt as if it was no other chance.

"His arrows cannot pierce its hide. I fear nothing will." Without warning, Bain hauled himself out of the boat against everyone's protests.

"Bain! Come back, Bain!" Sigrid yelled as Amee turned towards Kili and he knew what she was about to do.

"Amee, don't do this." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Kili. I love you with all my heart. Please remember that." Amee said and kissed Kili fiercely, before crawling out of the boat and out of his reach.

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