The Not So Unexpected Battle

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Here's the next chapter for you!

I do not own "The Hobbit" Only my OC



"I love you." She whispered, choosing to believe that he heard her, and rode off, leading the Iron Hill dwarves to the greatest battle known to Middle Earth.

Amee didn't have time to be afraid. The only thing that spurred her on, was the fact that she wasn't only fighting for her fellow dwarves, but for her unborn dwarfling. She felt the need to protect her offspring, which made her deadlier. Amee allowed herself to look back, seeing the Woodland elves standing there, not participating in this battle. Did Thranduil really not care?

"The elves. Will they not fight?" Bilbo asked Gandalf, who kept a close eye on Amee.

"Get into formation!" Amee yelled at the dwarves in front of her. And they did. They barricaded themselves with their shields, getting ready for battle, as the Orc army rushed closer towards them.

Out of nowhere, the Woodland Elves jumped over Amee and Dain's army, diving head first into the fight. It surprised Amee, but she was glad that Thranduil made the right decision.

The last time Amee was in battle like this, was when a pack of Orcs came too close to the perimeter of Rivendell a few decades back. This would be her first major battle. Carmella huffed and puffed as if she was mentally preparing herself to bring her Lady safely through the battle.

Amee followed in Dain's footsteps and used her sword to kill the orcs. She kept her bow securely on her back for later. Having Carmella made things easier for her, because she trusted her blindly. Amee knew that Carmella would do everything right.

Amee could hear the horns blowing and then the huge war beasts entered the battlefield. They listened to Azog's commands and Amee knew that they would do a lot of damage.

Amee brought out her bow, firing arrow after arrow, at the huge war beast, but it wasn't easy. She couldn't do this alone. It was too difficult. She needed more strength and she didn't know how to get it.


Back at the wall of Erebor, the company of dwarves watched in horror as the battle continued below. Kili almost couldn't watch, knowing that Amee was down there, fighting this battle without him.

"I'm going over the wall. Who's coming with me?" Fili asked his fellow dwarves.

"Come on! Let's go!" Dwalin agreed, wanting to help.

"Stand down." Thorin demanded.

"What? Are we to do nothing?" Fili asked him.

"I said, stand down!" Thorin yelled again, walking away from the wall, leaving them alone.

The dwarves looked among themselves, not knowing what to do. They wanted to fight, but they didn't dare disobeying their king.

Then Oin did something he never thought he would do. He grabbed a hold of Kili, practically marching him towards the end of the wall.

"Oin, what are you doing?" Kili asked him, trying to get away from his grip.

"You have to go and help the Princess. You need to disobey Thorin's orders, it's a matter of life and death." Oin said, shaking some sense into the young dwarf.

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