Unexpected Meetings

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As promised a longer chapter this time. I liked writing it as Amee finally meet someone like herself and it will be fun to see how that is going to turn out.

Have a great time reading and please give me feedback good and bad... and if you have some suggestions on what you would like to happen, let me know!

I do not own "The Hobbit" only my Oc.



"Dwalin at your service..."

Bilbo glanced quickly back at where Amee stood before looking back at the man standing at his doorstep.

"Uh, Bilbo Baggins at yours." Bilbo replied, not understanding what was going on. This man was scary looking, massive beard but no hair on his head. He looked intimidating but in a way, he looked like Amee as well.

"Do we know each other?" Bilbo asked, not wanting to let the man in. Not that it helped anyway.

"No." The dwarf said looking at Bilbo as if he was loony or something. Amee stood in the living room hidden, gripping her sword as tightly as she could. The other man stepped inside and Amee finally got a look at him. He looked like her, only male version and he looked a little scary.

"Which way is it laddie? Is it down here?" Asked the dwarf she think is called Dwalin as he walk towards the living room. Amee felt herself drawn to him with curiosity but still weary.

"Is what down where?" Bilbo asked bewildered.

"Supper." Dwalin said as if it was the most expected thing. Amee held back a laugh as she shook her head... so that is where she got her hunger from, dwarfish behavior.

"He said there'd be food and lots of it."

Bilbo looked back to see if he could see Amee but she did not want to come out and Bilbo was too occupied to care about her right now.

"He...he said? Who said?" Bilbo said as Dwalin gave him his coat. The assumed dwarf did not listen and rudely ate his dinner.

"Very good!" Dwalin said after eating both Bilbo's and Amee's dinner. "Any more?" He had the nerve to ask for more! Who would do such a thing?

"Yes!" Bilbo said and gave him a plate of buns but not before grabbing two of them, one for Amee and one for himself.

"Help yourself." Bilbo told Dwalin and he took it gladly.

"It's just that I was not expecting more company." Bilbo started.

"What do you mean by more?!" Dwalin looked around cautiously. Before Bilbo could answer, someone once again knocked on the door. Amee peered out from behind the wall to get a look as an even older dwarf appeared. He looked kind and sincere, and Amee, more intrigued by those men who was the same that she was.

"Balin at your service!" The older dwarf said and bowed like a gentleman.

"Good evening." Bilbo said carefully and Amee had the feeling the dwarves was a little too much alike Gandalf on these things.

"Yes, yes it is! Though I think it might rain later." Balin said and Amee knew, he knew Gandalf.

"Am I late?" Balin looked around the house and swore he saw movements by the living room.

"Late for what?" Bilbo said, trying to get his attention away from Amee. Balin looked around and finally spotted someone he knew.

"Oh! Ha, ha! Evening brother." Balin said looking at Dwalin.

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