Unexpected Friendship

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The next chapter is here! I have to state now, I HATE spiders and just the thought of writing about them, literary freaks me out. When I saw "The Desolation of Smaug" for the first time, I saw it in 3D and I actually screamed so about a 1000 people started to laugh at me. So to write them into this chapter. It was so much fun to write about Legolas and Amee, and their friendship.

Just a heads up! Whenever you're reading the bold sentences, they are talking elvish.

Read, review and enjoy!



Bilbo had gone up into the treetops as whilst everyone else fought against the troubles ahead. As he moved down to ground level, he understood that something was wrong. All of the dwarves were gone, even his lifeline Amee. He caught himself onto something and fell down a little before catching onto a little branch. This was spider webs, and in between them, he could see something moving. Something big and he could finally see what it was; A huge spider. At first, Bilbo thought it wouldn't harm him but when it roared at him, Bilbo screamed at the top of his lungs and lost his grip, causing him to fall. He was just waiting for the brutal impact but he fell onto the soft web, who he had noticed not to be there before. Great! And now he couldn't get away. Suddenly the spider approached him and wrapped him up so it could eat him later. How was he going to get out of this one?

The ugly spider dragged him towards the others and he knew he was done for. When the movements stopped, he finally dared to open his eyes and he could see the others hanging in the trees but he couldn't tell them apart. He had to think fast and when the spider stood directly over him, Bilbo grabbed his sword and drove it straight through the spider and it dropped dead a few feet down. The fact that the other spiders didn't noticed, gave him time to think about what to do next. Bilbo took out the Golden ring he found in the goblin tunnels and how it made him invisible. He slipped it on his finger and everything changed around him. He could even understand what the spiders were saying.

"Kill them! Kill them. Eat them now, while their blood is running. Their hide is tough, but there's good juice inside. This one smells even more divine than the others. Her blood is calling to us." One of the spider said. Amee was now conscious and she was kicking and screaming, trying to get free. She manage to kick one of the spiders away.

"The meat's alive and kicking!" The spider hissed. "Kill her, kill her now!" Bilbo couldn't lose his best friend like this, he stalked forward, picked up a rock and threw it away from Amee to distract the spiders, and it worked.

"What is it? What is it?" The spiders hissed before crawling toward the place the noise came from but one spider stayed behind. It was too caught up in Amee's scent and wanted to eat her now.

"So mouthwatering. I will feast on you until you are no more." The spider said and Amee could only close her eyes and wait for impact. Suddenly, Amee heard a loud scream and the spider jumped away from her.

"Curse it! Where is it?! Where is it?!" Out of nowhere, Bilbo appeared from thin air.

"Here." Bilbo said before piercing his sword right between it's eyes.

"Ah! It stings! It stings!" The spider exclaimed before dropping dead as well.

"Sting... Huh..." Bilbo said with a big smile. "It's a good name."

"Uh, Bilbo! A little help here please!" Amee yelled in panic. She hated spiders so much. Bilbo ran over to her.

"Hang on Princess!" Bilbo yelled before cutting her down. Slowly, Amee fell to the ground with a small thud. Trying not to panic, she somehow managed to get herself free as the others came down as well.

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