Unexpected News

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This is the final chapter of following "An Unexpected Journey."

I am looking forward to continue the story.

In this chapter, you get to see how Amee fell in the hands of the Goblin King. I can't help but feel bad for her. The chapter starts a little dark and abusive. Just a heads up!

Read, review and enjoy this chapter!

I do not own "The Hobbit," Only my Oc.



As she was falling, Amee knew this was it, she's about to die... She could hear the screams of the others but it was too late, Amee had fallen and she would never see them again. She could hear Bilbo and Kili for the most part and then nothing but the air whistling in her ears. Amee braced herself for impact but it came faster than she would have counted on. With a small thud, she landed on a shelf just a few feet from where she fell. The impact was hard enough to knock the air out of her. For a few moments, she just laid there, trying to catch her breath, her head was pounding, and she knew she was bleeding. She knew she had to get out of the rain because she knew that something was still hunting them and her scent would make the orcs go crazy.

 As a silent prayer goes, Amee found a little cave and did not think twice about going in there. She was wet, cold and all alone with no idea how to get away from here. She had lost her bow too, given her no way of defending herself. Amee didn't want to give up but right now, she felt helpless and that was not in her nature. She grabbed a hold of her necklace, praying for her ancestors to give her strength.

"What do we have here?" Amee jumped at the sound of someones voice behind her. It was the foulest creatures she had seen in her life. It looked like a crossing between a little man hit by something repeatedly and then thrown off a cliff or something.

"Stay away from me! I do not want any trouble." Amee said with a shaking voice.

"Don't want any trouble eh? Isn't that sweet?" The creature said with a wicked grin. Amee tried to look for a way out but they surrounded her. One of them sniffed through the air.

"And what a lovely scent she has. I do believe the Goblin King will have a lot of fun with you." Goblin King? Of course! How could she forget about the goblins inside the Misty Mountains? 

Before she could get away, the goblins jumped on her, and she had no chance of fighting them off. Amee tried to scream but nothing came out, not that anyone would hear her. The goblins took her deeper into the mountain.


"Get off me you nasty little bastards!" Amee growled trying to kick herself free. She was brought up to the biggest throne she had ever seen and a huge goblin stood there with its back to them.

"Your majesty. We brought to you a gift or a prisoner, whatever you want to call it." One of the goblins said. The massive goblin turned around and Amee almost threw up.

"I was wrong. You are the nastiest bastard I've ever seen." Amee told him and he sure was ugly.

"What do we have here and what is that adorable scent?" The Goblin King said.

"It's her Sire. She's a dwarf and a very pretty one at that."

"A dwarf? Tell me my beautiful little pet; what is your business to travel through my kingdom?" The Goblin King asked tracing his ugly finger across her cheek.

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