Unexpected Behavior

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I just want you all to know that this chapter is dedicated to my best friend Jo... and all I can say, is that I still miss him so much it hurts.

This is for you, Jo!

Enjoy this chapter as much as you can, and give me feedback on how you think this story should go on from here.

I do not own "The Hobbit", Only my Oc.



Carmella had been running for a long time. Ever since she ran out of Mirkwood with Legolas' note, she had one place in her goal. Rivendell. However, this was a long and dangerous journey, even for a brave pony as Carmella. She only rested when necessary, only because she knew that her dear Neuriel needed her help. Carmella used every shortcut she knew about and the other ones, she just took a guess. When she reached the misty mountains, she had to fight off some remaining goblins but they weren't fast enough for her. She was beyond tired after leaving that mountain, she had been running for so long and she hadn't eaten in days. Carmella felt herself growing more tired with each step.

Carmella was a proud pony, she never gave up on a mission but she couldn't find it in her to continue in this fog. She couldn't even see where to take the next step. Carmella sniffed through the air, trying to catch that familiar scent of Rivendell, but she was wandering around blindly. She looked around for what felt like forever and she could sense something dangerous coming for her. Suddenly, a pack of wargs surrounded her. They were trying to kill her and tried to bite her legs. For the first time in her long life, she feared that she might die. Carmella was afraid. Then, as if send from Valar himself, a light pierced through the grey sky and fog. Carmella saw the light and it showed a narrow path. In the distance, Carmella could see the gates of Rivendell and she knew what to do. 

Finding within her, a new kind of strength, she bolted forward and jumped over one of the wargs, away from its teeth. The wargs tried to follow her but the fog prevented them from following the brave pony. Carmella pushed herself to the limit, ignoring the burning she felt in her legs. She ran as fast as ever. 

As she grew even closer, she could hear the elfish horns blowing. They were alerting that something was coming. The guards recognized her immediately and opened the gates for her. Carmella bolted through the gates in the search of Lord Elrond. The guards tried to stop her but she became aggressive. She did not want them to touch her; she had a message to deliver. The guards tried everything to calm her down but she would not listen. She tried to get away from them but nothing helped. She was pushed up against a corner.

"Leave her alone!" A voice commanded them and the guards backed off. Carmella was in such distress, and she didn't even see whom it was that approached her.

"It is all right, Carmella. Everything will be all right." The voice said and Carmella finally recognized the voice. It was Arwen, her beloved Neuriel's sister. Carmella finally started to calm down and let Arwen touch her.

"What do you have here, little friend?" Arwen asked as she took the note out of her dirty mane. Carmella wanted to collapse. She had delivered the Woodland prince's note to someone she could trust. Her task is done.

Arwen read the note and gasped. She looked up at the guards and ordered them to collect her father immediately. One of the other guards tried to take care of Carmella but she went ballistic again and Arwen ordered them away.

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