two | I N C O M M O D I O U S

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"Oh Commander!" _____ called out.

Gracefully maneuvering her body to face the human, the Commander almost scolds the human for her obnoxious volume. Until a few days before the 14th Machine War, _____ was born during the ephemeral peace that existed on Earth. The Prototype models were responsible during the early stages of the human's life. Then it was passed down to the Operators when _____ began her education.

The Commander spoke in the stern tone everyone on the Bunker was used to. "Hello, _____ are your studies going well?"

"Is that all you care about from me? As a human, I do get bored and learning isn't always a fun experience," the human responds.

"Is that so? Should I ask your instructor to give you a more advanced curriculum?"

"Please don't..."

"Alright. Then don't complain."

"I wasn't complaining, White."

The Commander quickly turns her back to the human and begins pressing buttons on the wide translucent screen. She's currently observing the behaviors recorded by units assigned to the Scanner units. _____ was more concerned as to why 9S was placed on top of all the others as a priority.

"So, Commander, I was thinking of changing the color of my room," _____ began. "I thought about changing the color to a more darker color. I don't want to wake up to a bright white room every day. It hurts my eyes."

"Is that right? I should have thought about giving you control of how much light you allow in your room and the color of it, too," the  Commander replies. "Is there anything else you're uncomfortable with that I can change?"

The human thought, This is my chance! Perhaps if she were to tell the Commander about her curiosity of the Earth that she discusses with the Operator and other Scanner units, she would allow her to visit the surface. Even if it were for a short amount of time. Despite what the Operator had told her before, maybe if she could just ask and attempt to convince the Commander that it was safe, _____ may be able to venture beyond the Bunker.


The Commander impatiently puts her hand on her hip. "'Well' What?"

"Uh... I was wondering if you could allow me to take a brief trip to the surface."

Oh, how _____'s heart beat so quickly from saying that. The Commander's response afterward would determine the human's future for the next 10 years. _____ heard 15O's loud groan all the way from her station and nearly cursed aloud.

"To the surface? Are you sure?" The Commander's voice asks in a more confused tone. "Wouldn't it be safer to just send you to the moon where the other humans are? There's nothing for you on Earth."

"You'd just die."

_____ could feel the tears begin to well up in her eyes. "I don't want to go to the moon."

The Commander almost felt remorse for _____. She held her arms out to wipe away the tears beginning to drip down from her cheeks. White understood that tears were signs of happiness and sadness; it was basic in humans. She knew that _____ had always wanted to visit the Earth ever since her early years. It was almost a tradition. Every year, around the month of _____'s birth, she'd ask to visit Earth. It wasn't that _____ was unprepared for what was on Earth, it was that the YorHa Units were worried they'd be holding such a responsibility in their hands that if they lost one more human, they were certain they'd lose the rest of humanity that created them and were made to protect.

"I'm sorry, _____," The Commander apologizes. "You know how dangerous it is. However, the offer to go to the moon and meet everyone else still stands. How's that?"

Nodding, the human rubs her eyes and returns back to her room to take a bit of the time to rest.

Hours pass and _____ had already woken up from a long nap. It appears dinner was ready, but it was already cold. Outside, _____ hears chatter from beyond her room. Nines?

Shuffling out of the bed and slipping her boots back on, _____ rushes out her room and immediately leaps toward the Scanner unit. 9S is taken aback from the sudden action and immediately places the human down. He wasn't knocked down because of the weight of the material he and the other androids are made of.

"Nines! 2B! You're back! Did the mission go well?" _____ asks.

"We ended up detonating our Black Boxes," 2B responded. "Despite having to destroy our cores, our recent data was saved. However, 9S's memories were only backed up by the time we rendezvoused."

"I see, 2B. It must be hard--"

"Emotions are prohibited among us androids."

"Oh, well then it must've impacted any sort of combat data or data involving the behaviors of machine-lifeforms, right?"

"You're correct."

Letting out a nervous laugh, _____ tries to lighten up the grim atmosphere that 2B had unleashed within the bunker.

"Anyways... Nines, are you busy today? I want to discuss something with you."

9S tugged slightly on the collar of his coat and stuttered. "I might have a couple of minutes to spare. What do you--"

Without hesitation, the human grabbed hold of the male android's wrist and rushed to the room _____ resided in. The sliding doors closed and _____ flipped the light on. 9S sat on the desk chair by the bed and _____ jumped onto the soft pillows of the mattress.

_____ groaned, "I asked White to go to the surface again."

"...And she said 'no' again?" 9S questioned.


"Aw, cheer up, _____! Did she offer to let you meet the other folks?"


"That's not so bad! It should be a grand opportunity! Meeting your folks should be really exciting since I know you've never met them."

"I prefer the company of androids. The humans I read about in books seem really stupid."

"Ahaha... well you should at least meet your mother and father--"

"Why would I want to see other humans when all they've done is exile me? I am the only human in the Bunker and I get along fine with you and that's enough for me."

"You should at least see for yourself. They probably have another story to tell you," 9S suggested.

The sliding door opens and 2B steps in. "9S. The Commander is calling for us."

"Alright 2B," 9S replies. "See you later _____."

With that, the small human was left alone again in her thoughts. She stared at the small Lunar Tear that grew inside a black pot. The glowing flower seeming to absorb all sort of darkness surrounding it and making it seem much brighter than it was before. It was a lovely gift from the surface, but it wasn't the only flower growing, either. There were much more types of flowers that grew. So many animals that roam, yet _____ had limited access to see them.

"What does the moon have to offer, I wonder?" _____ questions herself. "I'll see when I go tomorrow."

Above and [B]eyond.

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