seven | C L O Y I N G

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"She's grown so much!" A voice coos to the infant in her arms. "She's already at 2.3 kilograms and no longer needs to be incubated."

A chubby hand reaches for the other android across from her. The Commander stares back with slight confusion.

"I think she wants you to hold her."

"Oh," White replies awkwardly. "What comfort would that give her?"

"I think the little one believes you're her mother," Another voice behind her replies.

White turns her head to the source of the voice. It was 9S, a newer series of YorHa androids. He was programmed to be quite friendly and curious, so it makes him eligible for evolution; though because of this, he is also capable of knowing the truth behind humanity. She would one day have to assign an eliminator to his side.

9S adds, "I've seen how some animals on the surface provide for their offspring. The mother gives attention by keeping the young fed, and comfortable."

"What do you mean by 'comfortable'? We've given her blankets and pillows," the Commander asks. "Is that not enough?"

"I don't think providing an infant with soft objects is quite what I meant when I mean that she needs emotional comfort," 9S replies. "The child would need its parent to be around and establish a sort of mutual feeling, I suppose. I guess it's love. Though we are prohibited from that, I think there should be an exception for this little guy and I believe you can do that."

"If that's what she wants..."

9S nods as he turns his back and makes his way out of the nursery. White turns her head to the other empty cradle and recalls the first infant before _____. It used be a male human specimen created with the intention of procreation with the female, but he had passed months ago when he somehow developed a disease during his time in the artificial womb. The female, however, was completely healthy and free of illness, much to the caretakers' relief.

White pondered, 'What am I going to do with you, little _____?'

The Commander sits on the bed _____ used to sleep on as she ponders of her location. She looks to the desk that sits untouched, the glowing Lunar Tear fading in life as it is left unattended since the human's departure. She desperately wants _____ to return, for life in the Bunker was always black and white without her presence. The Commander begins to worry again. If she never returns, the backdoor would soon open as they continued on with their plans to retake Earth. It terrified her, and she had begun to assume of the worst, yet her thoughts were interrupted when a YorHa unit enters the small dormitory, the sliding door snapping her out of her negative thoughts. She was a type D model in charge of defense.

She spoke in a stern tone, "YorHa model 9S is severely injured in battle, but has recently sent us the previous location of _____'s wireless transmitter."

The blonde stood from the bed, regaining her composure. I never gave her a transmitter... 9S must've provided her with one before she entered the shuttle, the Commander thought. There were many thoughts conflicting her, but one was that if _____ had told 9S of her situation, he'd be another step closer to figuring out the truth about humanity. She had expected him to be much more advanced than the other YorHa and eventually be overthrown by curiosity, but she had already prepared for this by assigning the YorHa unit 2B for his supervision.

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