twenty-four | L U C U B R A T I O N

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Her eyes blankly stared at the wall to her left. Her flesh felt cold and incredibly uncomfortable to be in. Adam trailed off about the earthquake and how an ark appeared from the ground while Eve wandered outside the Copied City to retrieve food and observe the newly erected structure. She felt filthy inside, yet empty at the same time. Adam tried to make conversation with her from the seat to the right of her makeshift bed, but she refused to listen to anything he said. Everything drowned out into an eerie sound in the back of her mind.

"_____," Adam began.

Silence again came from the small, motionless human.

Adam kept a straight face as he continued, "Some of your reproductive organs are missing."

The shock from his previous actions kept her lips locked and her body enraptured in paralysis. She wanted to say something, but it felt as if she had lost the skill or ability to speak. She had no reason to speak to either brother. In fact, she did not want to speak to anyone. Everyone she had met was a traitor anyways.

"Is it because you were the only human surviving as a female that the YoRHa underwent a partial hysterectomy on you?"

Leaned against the white pillow, she shifted her head away from facing the wall to Adam. For once, she was able to meet his eyes, but she still did not say anything. She assumed he already knew of her medical history when she was with YoRHa. It was all recorded anyways, so why wouldn't he know? This data was easy to access.

"That makes sense, then. I'm guessing you still haven't recovered because the procedure was recent. Perhaps prior to your descent from space? It explains why you seem so...fatigued."

Adam was slightly perturbed by the blank expression written on the human's face. Exhaustion demonstrated by the bags under her eyes and the pale skin made Adam worry. Carefully, the elder twin approached her and sat on the right side of her bed and observed her still face. Her eyes never left the spot Adam was sitting at, almost as if it were taking longer for her to process what she is seeing. There was a slight metal creaking that gradually became louder as she attempted to adjust her senses to her environment.

Slowly, the human turned her head to see a little stubby machine hold out a bucket filled with Lunar Tears. She felt slight tears well up in her eyes, and she tried to reach them, but she could barely move her arms. Adam notices her attempt to reach for the bucket, thus decides to pick one of the flowers in the bucket and then orders the stubby machine to place the rest aside. The elder twin took both of _____'s hands and folded them around the stem of the flower. It has been a while since she could decipher gentle touches to rough ones.

"I worry that you'll perish. Seeing how frail you are, I felt obligated to not place too much harm on a sickly specimen," Adam continued. "Though, it appears that I've contradicted myself. I could not stop myself from making you like this due to my curiosity. I suppose we're both victims to such concept."

'Is that it? Is that why you won't dissect me or kill me?' she thought. Oh how desperately she wanted to respond and have him answer her questions, but her body could barely lift a finger. A lingering tingle resonated in her nerves and confused her sensations. The stress of it made her hands tremble and Adam responded by wrapping his around hers. A deep chuckle echoed in her ears and it rang in her eardrums. Feeling exhausted again, she closed her eyes.

Another pair of heavy footsteps came and ______ opened her eyes to meet Eve's. He smiled gently down at her as he places her old satchel onto the ground that overflowed with fresh berries and raw meat. Now that both brothers were in her vicinity, she felt the room drop to a colder temperature almost as if the room itself had been coated with ice and snow. She felt the urge to expel whatever she had in her stomach and the ache in her chest and head never stopped. Migraines were not uncommon for her, but the wrenching feeling in her chest rendered her paralyzed.

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