twenty-six | R E D I V I V U S

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"Now," the bio-machine began "I think I'm done. I just need to apply enough energy to jumpstart the core..."

Rubbing her hands together slightly, the humanoid places her hands on the side of the lifeless machine and focuses on transferring some of her energy into the hollow of metal. Soon enough, its eyes began to flicker with yellow light, signaling life. She claps her hands in joy, seeing her first creation begin to test out its body by rotating its arms and attempting to walk.

The machine ceases to move after it meets eyes with its bio-machine creator.

"You look an Abel," she glances down at the stubby machine. "Do you like that name?"

It beeps out a response, and she understood that he agreed to be named Abel. His real name consisted of symbols, but he had no memory as to what it meant, for all he knew is that it could mean a jumble of numbers and letters. He was given orders by the strange humanoid, and he did not refuse to any, though it was not like he could with this being in front of him. Her orders seemed absolute.

"From now on, you'll be my traveling companion," she commands. "We leave tomorrow 15:00 sharp, traveling west. For now I want to observe the strange activity in this so called 'Tower' so I need you with me as well."

She continues, "don't worry! I know you're not really that strong so I'll protect you. I'll lead the way... er I think I know the way."

Abel beeps in response as the albino laughs nervously. He hops behind her as she began advancing towards an intersection of halls. She seems to be humming a song, he thinks. Though, it is probably very old because it is nothing like the sequence of sounds he hears from other nearby machines. The machine's immediate observations of the humanoid was how oddly she appeared compared to him. Both comprised of similar material but outwardly display a different form.

"Abel, do I have to carry you or something?" the humanoid groans. "Hurry up or I'll leave you behind!"

'Checking System...
Core Temperature: Normal
Remaining Energy: —
System Check Complete'

There was something pleasing about the still silence that soothed 9S after he annihilated an enemy unit. It was peaceful, and it was liberating. Indeed, his anger still remained booming deep inside, but with every unit killed, he felt that he was closer to being liberated—closer to 2B. He felt that it was compensation for the pain of losing those around him. Thus he did not stop; he would not stop until everything was gone. That was something A2 worried about.

A2 had been aimlessly wandering with no purpose or destination up until recently. _____ knew that, and left her to her own devices. She relied on A2, but the betrayal she felt when Caine left her side was far worse than the fact A2 never got to see her for the last time. It was splash of nostalgia, being thrown back into the past only to realize that the future is happening so soon. The attacker model worried, so she wanted to bear everything, much like her counterpart, Eliminator 2E. She was only one entity, however, and _____ was no different. It truly was a shame.

Her purpose remains clear now, as she has set to find 9S in the Tower, but she was still at awe at how quickly these events occurred. If she had remained with the human? Would she have survived? A2 would conclude that she would have killed her by dragging her into insane environments by her recklessness as a rogue. Her status, however, no longer mattered after command shut down due to the virus. As of right now, she fought with the purpose of saving someone. He may not like her, but she still wanted to rescue him. Why? Because It was 2B's wish was it not? Maybe it was also because she was unable to save her previous comrades as well as _____.

Here she is, being pushed back by an attack by an oversized iron ball of aggression with rows upon rows of hostile machines approaching her to no end. The speed at which the platform elevated itself had forced A2 to avoid staying to close to the edges while her sheer weight kept her anchored onto the white floor. She released her sword from her grip and watched as it spun towards the machines before it returned into the palm of her hand. She suspended herself into the air to reach the enemy that barely clung to the platform she was on. The Goliath swung its arms attempting to get rid of the tiny android only for its target to relentlessly escape from its attack's reach.

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