twenty-one | R E D E M A N C Y

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"Just my luck."

Running was all she could do at the moment. She was injured, exhausted, dehydrated, but most of all she was terrified. This large machine life form relentlessly chased after her and she did all she could to race for the main entrance of the factory. As if the wound on her back hadn't stopped bleeding already, dark spots made their way onto her vision and she was certain she would die of blood loss before reaching the doors or being in the hands of the enemy.

"Why the fuck did it have to be me? Why did I choose to do this?"

It was at the room of the main doors that she actually tripped and fell due to lack of coordination. She tried crawling to the doors but it appeared that her arms and legs had already worked to their limits. The panic caused her muscles to contract and her world to go blurry. It was until then that she blacked out. Maybe she wouldn't be able to see this gruesome event unfold. She was thankful for this, yet she doubted immensely that this was the end.

'I want to go home,' she sobbed to herself.

She wanted it all to end, but she far was from the fate she predicted.

After some time, things seemed to be back to normal.

Despite this, grief remained a word that barely covered the surface of what Commander White felt. The other YorHa tried to reassure her of her own pain that they, too, felt. As the rumor goes, '_____ had died on her trip to the moon.' Moving on was an option, having been already convinced that the human she nurtured until now was assumed deceased, but that resolve didn't come easy to her with the belief that this one human was still alive. _____'s body remained missing, with no any news about her whereabouts besides the information provided by 9S and 2B. They had no leads as to where 13E was and it made matters worse for her.

Although _____ was always a person of interest to the Commander, the advantage over a weakened control over the machine lifeforms was a major step towards the assumed "goal" for YorHa. The time had come and she had no other choice than to move on.

"We've confirmed that the network core units known as Adam and Eve have been destroyed," the Commander reports. "The enemy's chain of command has been thrown to complete chaos."

"As such, humanity has chosen to seize this opportunity and launch an all-out attack against the machine forces. Of course, the forces of YoRHa will participate in this endeavor."

"Remember your pain. The pain of having your homeland stolen. We will never give up our struggle. We will take back the seas! The skies! The land! We will take back our world from the scourge of the machines!"

"We will not fail in this mission..."

"Here and now we will put an end to this goddamn war!"

"Glory... to mankind!"

All YoRHa in their place followed afterwards repeating once, "Glory to mankind!"

2B had already departed the bunker and left to pursue the tasks given to her by operator 6O and the Commander. Meanwhile, 9S on the surface, was a jumbled mess with all this information but half a mind to understand it. For YoRHa to finally complete its final task, for 13E to remain a dangerous entity still roaming, and for _____ whose fate was not yet discovered. He had little time, for him and 2B, he had doubts, many of them. He'd wanted to tell her the truth, but their final, major operation had already begun.

As for now he remains separated from his field partner to
pursue the task of hacking into machines like all the other scanner units. He didn't enjoy being spoken to like a child by the Operator; it seemed awfully off-putting, judging by the work-oriented and strict attitude she always gave to 9S.

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