four | O V E R T U R E

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"Why must we read all these books, Brother?" A disinterested Eve asks.

"Knowledge expands horizons and enriches existence," Adam replies.

Eve sits across from his identical twin brother, Adam, on the other end of a lengthy wooden table. Candle holders decorate the empty table, though it is useless since nightfall never came. Adam, quietly acquires data from reading the book in his hands. He dresses quite trim with a clean white shirt, black slacks, and a black tie loosely tied around his neck. His interest in humans influenced his desire to one day obtain them from the moon; however, he would have to deal with the androids in order to do that.

"But can't we just transfer all this data instantly?" Eve questions.

"Into your head perhaps. But not to your heart."

The younger twin, Eve, was disinterested in discovering deeper meanings to things than his brother who tried to understand everything. But it was no joke that Eve loved his brother. Wherever Adam went, Eve followed. Though Adam insisted on wearing clothing, the closest he could get to having Eve put on any article of clothing were underwear, pants and shoes and those gloves he and his brothers both wore together as a symbol of unity. At times, Eve would question the tattoo decorating his left arm.

"Hmm, I guess," Eve says. "Hey, so..."


"My name? Eve? This book says it's a woman's name. Shouldn't we be called Cain and Abel instead?"

"Humans wouldn't change names so easily," Adam moves the book away from his face slightly. "Besides, you should be proud of the name Eve."

"Huh, if that's what you think, then I'm fine with it."

Adam returns to read and Eve teeters in his seat before speaking again. "After we're done reading, can we go out and play? I'm sure it'll be tons of fun!"

Adam sighs. "Fine. Only after we're done."

"You mean it? Then I'll try extra hard to finish this. Extra, extra hard!"

"You do that."

"Brother? Perhaps if we do obtain a human, could we all play together too?"



_____ jolts awake. She looks left, right, up, and down. She hadn't realized she was napping against her palm until she felt the stinging sensation on the back of her neck. She adjusts her eyes to the light and realizes she's sitting in the terrace overlooking a busy city.

"I'm sure you still must be feeling jetlag from the flight here, but I didn't think you'd be that tired," a persons says behind _____'s spot around a circular table.

"If you'd forgotten my name, it's Yonah. I'm your best friend for now while your parents do errands around the settlement," Yonah continues.

Yonah settles herself in a wooden chair in front of _____. It all seemed surreal as _____ gazes around and looks over the balcony. It appears they are in an apartment complex that houses many people like her. Over them was a large dome that kept the breathable air in, though it was still the same white she saw at the bunker. By that, the buildings were also in a grayscale that only ____ remembers from the Bunker. The only thing different about the city was the green YorHa banners hanging on some of the lamp posts and walls of buildings. Beyond the dome was the dark, empty, cold universe.

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