thirteen | B A R A T H R U M

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'Checking System...
Black Box Temperature: Normal
Remaining Energy: 100%
System Check Complete'

After being rebooted by an unknown entity, it meddled around with the functions of the host's body. The host could only observe as it repaired certain functionalities and roamed around his consciousness analyzing each system. A2 was the one behind this, but didn't communicate whatsoever until she was addressed specifically by the host.

"What are you doing? I can very well repair myself on my own," a voice asked.

A2 merely ignored the question, but uttered out, "You have a Black Box. You're a YorHa... or you used to be one. ____ wouldn't like it if she found out you still have vague traces of a YorHa identity."

"What's YorHa?" The host questions.

Another inquisition A2 avoided answering. "Hey, do you remember anything?"


With that, A2 left the host and automatically left him to his own devices to wake up. Before the host regained his consciousness, she erased all memories that seemed to hide within the virus. By erasing, meant transferring all of the data to her own memory and the data itself was already beginning to leak out like handful of water. Doing so, A2 also had to eliminate the barriers caused by both the defense of the host and the virus. While dealing with the virus, she'd found out memories had parts missing and chunks of information left blank. Yet somehow, the voices of people chattering were distinctly audible while playing through these memories.

Obviously, A2 could not decipher what they were saying, for it was a jumbled mess of words spoken by people of the past, but this was all she could retain. The voices of people conversing with each other about something quite terrible. An illness, perhaps?

It was all due to the fact this android model had a Black Box. Had she known later that this model was an older YorHa much like herself, she would've made some time to question him about his reasons for betraying theme. Was it because he had dealt with the same trauma as before? Did he discover something the Commander purposely hid from her subordinates?

Of course, _____ was an impatient one and urged A2 to finish clearing all of his previous memories so she could insert the new chip that would give the host a new sense of purpose. Devola never told her of what these chips were, and for a while, _____ believed they were OS chips of previous androids that passed but never contracted the logic virus. This android, however, seemed to have no recollection of any memory after he had awoken and appeared to be a blank slate with an intriguing first impression on both the fellow android and the human.

"Who the hell was he?"

'Booting system...
Commencing System Check
Memory unit: Yellow
Initializing Tactics Log
Loading Geographic Data
Remaining MP: 90%
Black Box Temperature: Normal
Black Box Internal Pressure: Normal
Activating IFF
Activating FCS
Launching DBU Setup
Activating Inertia Control System
Activating Environmental Control Sensors
Equipment Authentication: Complete
Equipment Status: Green
All Systems: Green
Combat Preparations Complete_'

"Me? Protect someone like you?" The male asked. "And if I decline?"

A2 stepped in and pointed the YorHa issue blade right under the android's chin. "I'll kill you."

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