eighteen | L U G E N T

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Wavering static echoed. Adam couldn't feel, he couldn't hear, he couldn't speak, but he could see. His consciousness remained active within the network, but his body is yet to be reborn again at the right time. At some point, he will go back to the physical world, but for now, he was wandering, observing through the eyes of machines and androids and manipulating them to his whim. It wasn't pleasurable for him to just sit back and mess around when he could be trying to obtain the human that was most dear to him and his brother.

If it hadn't been for his connection to the network, he would no longer be able to create new bodies whenever he and his brother carelessly or curiously destroyed himself for the sake of learning more about their humanoid forms. Adam believes they were gifted to have been created by the machines with ten fingers and ten toes to appear just like androids and to act just like humans, yet they were still aligned with the machines. Adam confirms that through time, the androids long to be human, to have the same freedom and spirit like _____, but this was also an endeavor because they were bound to their duties to protect the humans on the moon.

While Adam was away, Eve constantly asked his brother why he has to put up with the troops that search for the human. His brother didn't give an exact answer, but it was along the lines of "the network has been active long enough to loathe its own existence." Eve didn't quite understand it thoroughly, being more weak than his brother in interpretation, so he tried to put it into his own words and asking Adam if it was like that. The younger twin didn't want to get too deep into matters that interfered with the relationship with him and his brother. He was like a small mammal basking in the sun through a meadow of wildflowers. Adam compared his own brother to a canine.

His innocence and oblivion to the world around him made him the very opposite of Adam, who was often consumed by very intrusive thoughts. He was far from innocent by whatever knowledge he was able to absorb. Adam was obsessed with this human, and at the time the essence of obsession was only minuscule, Adam wished nothing more than to use and destroy her. Eve felt a less similar way, finding humans a pathetic waste of space. This human was small, weak, and swayed easily by negative social matters. Her burning eyes, her incredible endurance, her mood swings in general made these brothers quake after their first encounter. They didn't understand why.

After his body ceased to function, he decided to search further into the network to interrogate beings that have developed this same sensation. He was a machine, yet in theory, he was predicted to become more human like the androids. He would immediately find a way into 9S' body, seeing that he, too, has had a similar reaction to the people he works with. Despite this, it would raise suspicion and he didn't want to risk his own existence being overridden by YorHa internal defenses.

Adam wandered, and wandered, he didn't assume it would take long until he found these beings in the deep assets of his mind. Cyber space was vast, yet incredibly tight. It was a second playground to his kind. The physical world being another.

"Storage unit, code name 'Adam,' what do you wish to ask of us?" The terminal asked.

"It's simple," Adam states. "I want to know what causes this obstructive feeling inside of me."

The terminals laugh almost bitterly in unison. "You've developed a feeling much more destructive than any sort of artillery could hold."

They continued, "You are becoming more human, as expected of a intellectual storage unit whose purpose is to collect the knowledge we concepts seek."

"Is that all?"

"No, there is no end to what you are feeling, but we do not have the words to describe everything you witness since your birth. It is the essence of humanity itself. You desire that most, do you not?"

HUMANITY | yandere! Machine BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now