twenty-five | A T R O P H Y

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'I've never been there... the Kingdom of Night. Like the name implies, it's dark everyday, all year around. I've only been around the areas where the sun touches, but I could understand that it would be frightening to fight machines in the dark. Though I do remember the time I had that strange dream... Caine was there... those machine brothers. Was it snow? Or did my imagination begin to depict that everything white that fell from the sky was snow? Small crystals, they appeared to be, and snow comes in larger clumps.'

The white haired male bellowed desperately, "Operator!"

His words could barely come through to the android relentlessly trying to strike him. It pained 9S that he could not do anything to help her situation since the virus had claimed her, too. Though her expressions did show that she was straining to gain even a little bit of control of her body. Perhaps he could do something, but right now was not the time since he is occupied with trying to protect himself.

"Coordinate data... location specified..." Operator 21O rambles, "please keep... reserved... mission-related."

Advancing upon the corrupted unit, 9S could hear her repeating the commands to herself, which made attacking her much difficult, but it had to be done.

"One... affirmation... will... suffice..."

9S growls beneath his breath, "shit..."

"A f-family... to be with... pl...ease... kill..."

Following more sparks from the inflicted wounds 9S made upon his former Operator, she continued to ramble, being under the influence of the virus as well as voicing her wishes through pained sobs.

"I... just wanted a family... I was so I wanted to be... with 9S..."

9S gritted his teeth, "it's all right... it's all right... because I'm going to kill you!"

The Operator tumbled over with a cry and remained motionless for a moment as 9S seated himself on the ground from exhaustion a few meters away. The infect unit was disarmed, but she still struggled as she rose to her feet, about to attack 9S again. Though before she could fall over him, her chest had been pierced through her heavy combat gear as crimson splatters over 9S's sleeves and hair.

A2 withdraws her sword from 21O's back and the Operator falls back away from 9S, looking up at the short-haired Android before being stabbed repetitively until she remained motionless and her cries died down. 9S as well was shocked from the sudden appearance of 2B's murderer and watched attentively as another one of those he keeps dear die.

"A2!" 9S hissed.

Facing 9S briefly, A2 walks past him before solemnly stating, "2B told me... she told me she wanted you to... become a good person."

9S picks himself up, using his sword as a cane for support and retorts, "You... don't you dare talk to me about 2B!"

He collides his sword with A2's which once belonged to his partner, 2B. Their clash, however, was cut short when another earthquake resonated through the area, breaking the ground behind 9S, leading him to fall into the debris. As well as leaving the female android to face yet another machine lifeform whose arms extended lengthily in front of her.

"None of the medicines or herbs I've gathered and studied have worked... her illness is too complex to be cured with simple remedies. This isn't good. Her vitals are low and her energy is depleting rapidly," Adam utters to his brother, who remained by her side, gripping her hand gently.

Adam continues, "It isn't too long until—!"

"That won't happen... it's not going to happen..." Eve whispers in a low tone.

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