nineteen | G Y V E

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As much as ______ had told him to slow down when he began speeding down each bridge and path, Caine seemed to be in a rush. Meanwhile, his condition seemed to be worsening with each step he took. This virus, it ate at his consciousness and infected his mind with memories that weren't meant to be his. A decision he made was to dismiss these memories and begin anew, but he understood better than anyone else that that wasn't the case with a rogue YorHa. With the reputation of 13E, he would continue to be hunted for as long as he lived.

"Caine! Please slow down," _____ wheezed out as she tries to catch her breath. "My energy is depleting again... What's gotten into you?"

'A virus!' Oh how he wanted to scream out that he was being bothered by the constant twitch caused by the errors he sees before him. It caused him to speed up involuntarily and had recently caused him to harass _____ earlier. It disgusted him-- how much this virus toyed with his sense of morality. Absolutely revolting. He wanted nothing more than to be free from this, but almost anyone or anything connected to the network that got infected would meet their demise in a matter of days.

"I'm tired..." ____ whines out as she staggers on the railing of the bridge. The rusted metal begins to creak and Caine immediately rushes over to pull her closer to the center of the bridge before the railing completely broke off and fall to the ground many meters below them.

"This is your fault for making me chase after you all day," _____ mutters.  "I swear I saw some machines heading our direction after calling out for you all the damn time."

"You were?" Caine perplexed. "I guess I just... zoned out."

"Are you sure you're okay? You sounded a little apathetic there. I don't want to have to--"

"I'm fine, really," he tried to sound sincere even when all these errors kept clouding his vision. "I just need configure my settings again. It's getting hard to move."

"Is this common for you guys?"

"Yes. Occasionally, if our bodies cannot adjust to certain environments automatically, we have to adjust or settings with it manually. Unlike the newer high-end models, I cannot avoid my responsibility of reviewing my body's condition in certain environments." 'That made sense, didn't it?' He asked himself.

"Whatever you say, Caine. Though, I don't entirely trust your word."

Caine froze up momentarily as they continued their trek deeper into the factory. 'So, she still has high distrust in anything connected to the network. Is she being manipulative? Viewing A2 and me as nothing more than tools for her own survival?'

"Oh what does it matter? We were born to serve mankind, anyways." He muttered under his breath.

Before _____ could remark on his senseless muttering, she felt the ground quake beneath her. Immediately losing  balance from the unexpected movement, she reached for Caine only to hear the sound of rusted bars creaking behind her. Unfortunately, she was above an area of unstable ground and it would only take a few steps for her to be falling into the dark pits of the factory and eventually hitting the solid cement ground.

Being too consumed by her own fear of falling, she couldn't register her name being called out to by Caine. She yelped out when more of the bridge beneath her began to chip off and dismantle themselves and _____ only shut her eyes tighter as she pressed herself against the most stable part of the walkway.

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